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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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1ST WELSHMAN: It won't be long now; look, the chiefs are all here.
2ND WELSHMAN (to English soldier): And you won't be here long now.
ENGLISH SOLDIER: What do you mean?
2ND WELSHMAN: When we get our Welsh prince, you English soldiers will all be sent back to England.
ENGLISH SOLDIER: There's nothing I'd like better. I'm tired of the sight of your Welsh mountains and your rain and fog.
1ST WELSHMAN: They are lovely mountains, and it is a lovely country.
2ND WELSH MAN: It will be when you English are out of it.
ENGLISH SOLDIER: All right, all right; but give me good old London every time. Stand back there! Stand back! What are you pushing for? You'll see the show all right from there.
* * *
1ST CHIEFTAIN: I wonder who the new ruler is to be? Of course, you know my mother was a distant relation of Llewellyn.
2ND CHIEFTAIN: Yes, very distant-about as distant as mine to King Arthur. But it's a pity you took all that trouble to learn English. Edward said he would choose a prince who spoke no English. Welsh was always good enough for me.
3RD CHIEFTAIN: If you think I'd ever agree to having either of you for my prince you are very much mistaken; and I have 2,000 men. Once the English go, there is no one in Wales who would be stronger than I. And of course I don't speak any English-well, not very much.
4TH CHIEFTAIN: But Edward said the prince would have wronged no man. I haven't forgotten those fifty sheep of mine that you stole. I'll not have a thief for prince over me.
3RD CHIEFTAIN: Do you call me a thief?-
2ND CHIEFTAIN: My father's second cousin was descended from Arthur-
3RD CHIEFTAIN: Two thousand men, I tell you-
ENGLISH SOLDIER: Stop that noise! Stand back! Stand back! The King!
(Edward steps from a window on to the balcony in front of the castle. Behind him is a knight carefully carrying Edward's shield flat in his hands. On the shield is a bundle covered with a blanket. The whole crowd is excited but silent, and waiting for Edward to speak.)
EDWARD: Chieftains and people of Wales, you have asked for a prince and I have promised you one to rule over you, of royal birth.
WELSHMEN: Yes, yes.
EDWARD: Born in Wales.
EDWARD: And not able to speak a word of English.
WELSHMEN: Yes, yes.
EDWARD: And one, moreover, of blameless life, one who has wronged no man by word or deed in all his life. If I give you such a prince to rule over you, will you promise to be ruled by him?
WELSHMEN: We promise.
EDWARD: Then here is your prince. (He turns to the knight behind, lifts the blanket, and shows a small baby.) My son, a prince of royal blood, born a week ago in Wales, in Caernarvon Castle; he speaks no word of English, and he has wronged no man alive. Edward, Prince of Wales!
* * *
"Well," said Mr. Evans, "the chiefs were angry and disappointed, but the Welsh people were pleased, and each chief consoled himself with the thought that, at any rate, no rival chief had been chosen. And from that day to this, the eldest son of the King and Queen of England has always been the Prince of Wales."
It's time I brought this long letter to a close. Jan and I send our kind regards and best wishes to you and Mrs. Priestley and all my friends who are with you.
Yours sincerely,
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
boundary; frontier; customs; sign-posts; trip; bare; shelter; fertile; slopes; in places; actually; puff; round and round; extensive; blot out; enormous; peak; obediently; overturn; hastily; quite safe; archers; fulfil; I'm tired of; bundle; blameless; console; from that day to this
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How did Frieda know she was in Wales?
2. What sort of countryside did she see in North Wales?
3. What sort of train took Frieda up the mountain?
4. What could they see at the top?
5. Why did Llewellyn kill Gelert?
6. Why was the doorway to the dining-hall of Caernarvon Castle so narrow?
7. Why did the builders put stone figures at the top of the tower?
8. Which city did Mr. Evans think was the most Welsh?
9. What conditions did the Welsh chieftains want fulfilled by Edward I when he chose a ruler?
10. What is the title given to the eldest son of the King and Queen of England?
3. Перепишите следующие предложения, используя although вместо but:
Образец: The English tried to conquer the Welsh but they remained free. - Although the English tried to conquer them, the Welsh remained free.
1. The Welsh fought bravely, but they were defeated. 2. Jan had never been to Wales before, but he soon felt at home there. 3. Wales was a beautiful country, but the English soldier preferred London.
4. The Welsh chiefs were disappointed, but they accepted their new prince.
4. Образуйте страдательный залог, опуская, где можно, исполнителя действия (см. Книгу II, Урок 27):
1. Mr. Evans took Frieda and Jan to Snowdon.
2. The valleys shelter the little farmhouses.
3. We could see the enormous shadow of Snowdon.
4. Gelert was guarding the prince's son.
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