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Общая теория относительности - Синг Дж.Л.

Синг Дж.Л. Общая теория относительности — М.: ИЛ, 1963. — 432 c.
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(1934) [Z 10, 89].
Generelle Feldtheorie. VIII. Autogeodatische Linien und Weltlinien.
1066. Schouten J. A., S t r u i к D. J., Amer. Journ. Math., 43, 213
(1921) [JF 48,
On some properties of general manifolds relating to Einstein's theory of
1067. Schouten J. A., S t г u i к D. J., Einfflhrung in die
neueren Methoden der
Differentialgeometrie, Bd. 1 (Schouten) Algebra und Ubertragungslehre, Bd.
(Struik) Geometrie [Z 11, 174; 19, 183]. 1935, 2te Aufl., 1938.
(См. перевод: Схоутен И. А., С т p о й к Дж., Д., Новые методы
дифференциальной геометрии, М.-Л., 1939.)
1068. Schrodinger Е., Phys., Zs., 19, 4 (1918) [JF 46, 1314].
Die Energiekomponenten des Gravitationsfeldes.
1069. S с h г 6 d i n g e r E., Phys. Zs., 19, 20 (1918) [JF 46, 1316].
Ober ein Losungssystem der allgemein kovarianten Gravitationsgleichungen.
1070. Schrodinger E., Ann. d. Phys., 82, 265 (1927) [JF 53, 831].
Der Energieimpulssatsz der Materiewellen.
1071. Schrodinger E., Physica, 6, 899 (1939) [Z 22, 43; MR 1, 125].
The proper vibrations of the expanding universe.
1072. Schrodinger E., Proc. Roy. Irish. Acad., A46, 25 (1940) [MR 2,
Maxwell's and Dirac's equations in the expanding universe.
1073. Schrodinger E., Proc. Roy. Irish. Acad., A51, 163 (1947); 51, 205
52, 1 (1948) [MR 9, 310].
The final affine field laws.
1074. Schrodinger E., Space-time structure, Cambridge, 1950 [MR 12, 546].
1075. Schrodinger E., Expanding universe, Cambridge, 1956 [MR 17, 1015].
1076. SchflckingE., Zs. f. Phys., 137, 595 (1954) [MR 16, 1164].
Das Schwarzschildsche Linienelement und die Expansion des Weltalls.
1077. Schiicking E., Heckmann O., World models, Inst. Internet. Physi-
que Solvay, Onzieme Conseil de Physique, Bruxelles, 1958, p. 149.
1078. Schwarzschild K., Uber das Gravitationsfeld eines Massenpunktes
der Einsteinschen Theorie, Sitz. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1916, S. 189.
1079. Schwarzschild K., Uber das Gravitationsfeld einer Kugel aus
sibler Fliissigkeit nach der Einsteinschen Theorie. Sitz. Preuss. Akad.
Wiss. (1916), S. 424 [JF 46, 1297].
1080. S e 1 e t у F., Ann. d. Phys., 68, 281 (1922) [JF 48, 1029].
Beitrage zum kosmologischen Problem.
1081. S e n D. K., Zs. f. Phys., 149, 311 (1957) [MR 19, 817].
A static cosmological model.
1082. Sen N. R., Ann. d. Phys., 73, 365 (1924) [JF 50, 584].
Uber die Grenzbedigungen des Schwerefeldes an Unstetigkeitsflachen.
1083. S e n N. R., Proc. Roy. Soc., АИ6, 73 (1927) [JF 53, 821].
On Fresnel's convection coefficient in general relativity.
1084. S e n N. R., Indian Phys.-Math. Journ., 3, 89 (1932) [Z 5, 91].
On radiation in the expanding universe.
1085. Sen N. R., Proc. Roy. Soc., A140, 269 (1933) [Z 6, 377].
On Eddington's problem of the expansion of the universe by
1086. S e n N. R., Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 94, 550 (1934) [Z 9,
On the equilibrium of an incompressible sphere.
1087. S e n N. R., Zs. Astrophys., 9, 215 (1934) [Z 10, 283].
On the stability of cosmological models.
1088. S е n N. R., Zs. Astrophys., 9, 315 (1935) [Z 10, 323].
On a minimum property of the Friedmann universe.
1089. S e n N. R., Zs. Astrophys., 10, 291 (1935) [Z 12, 135].
On the stability of cosmological models with non-vanishing pressure.
1090. S e n N. R., Sz. Astrophys., 14, 157 (1937) [Z 17, 240].
On the size of a very dense sphere.
1091. Sen N. R., Chatter j ее N. К., Zs. Astrophys., 7, 188 (1933). [Z 7,
On Schwarzschild's problem of the gaseous sphere.
1092. Sen N.R., Ghosh N. N.. Bull. Calcutta'Math. Soc., 20, 245 (1930)
[JF 56, 1284].
Note on the statical gravitational field with axial symmetry.
1093. Sen N. R., R о у Т. С., Zs. Astrophys., 34, 84 (1954) [MR 17,
On a steady gravitational field of a star cluster free from
1094. Sharpless S., The scale of the universe, Astr. Soc. of the Pacific
290, June 1953.
1095. Широков М. Ф., Вестник Моск. унив., № 4, 67 (1947) [MR 10, 498].
О роли гравитации в структуре элементарных частиц.
1096. Широков М. Ф., ЖЭТФ, 27, 251 (1954) [MR 16, 1058].
О центре инерции в общей теории относительности.
1097. Широков М. Ф., Бродовский В. Б., ЖЭТФ, 4, 904 (1957) [MR 19,
Об уравнениях движения конечных масс в общей теории относительности.
1098. S i b a t а Т., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A5, 189
(1935) [Z 12, 233].
A first approximate solution of the Morinaga's equation
}^Aestpg^imq =
~ Klmst'
1099. S i b a t a Т., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A7, 151 (1937) [Z 17,
Geometry in spin-space.
1100. S i b a t a Т., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A8, 51 (1938) [Z
18, 187].
Wave geometry unifying Einstein's law of gravitation and Born's
theory of
1101. S i b a t a Т., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A8, 199 (1938) [Z 21,
Cosmology in terms of wave geometry, II. De Sitter type universe and
Einstein type universe.
1102. S i b a t a Т., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., All, 231 (1942) [MR 9,
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