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Отрывные течения. Том 2 - Чжен П.

Чжен П. Отрывные течения. Том 2 — М.: Мир, 1973. — 280 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): otrivnietecheniyatom21973.pdf
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Temperature in Regions of Separated Flow at a Mach Number of 1.8, Rept
82, the Aero Research Inst, of Sweden, 1959.
20. Николь, Исследование ламинарного гиперзвукового течения в выемке,
Ракетная техника и космонавтика, № 9 (1964).
21. V a s i 1 i u J., Pressure Distribution in Regions of Step-induced
Turbulent Separation, J. Aerospace Sci., 29, № 5, p. 590-601 (1962).
22. Chapman D. R., An Analysis of Base Pressure at Supersonic Velocities
and Comparisons with Experiment, NACA Rept 1051, 1951.
23. Crocco L., Lees L., A Mixing Theory for the Interaction between
Dissipative Flows and Nearly Isentropic Streams, J. Aeronaut. Sci., 19, №
10, p. 649-676 (1952).
24. В о g d о n о f f S. M., Some Experimental Studies of the Separation
of Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers, Heat Transfer and Fluid
Mechanics Institute, Reprint, June 1955.
25. Crane L. J., The Laminar and Turbulent Mixing of Jets of Compressible
Fluid, J. Fluid. Mech., 3, Part 1 (1957).
26. V a s i 1 i u J., Local and Average Heat Transfer Coefficients for a
Flat Surface in Regions of Step-induced Turbulent Separation in
Supersonic Flow, Convair-Astronautics Rept, № AFR-009, May 1959.
27. V a s i 1 i u J., Pressure Distribution in Regions of Step-induced
Turbulent Separation in Supersonic Flow, Convair-Astronautics Rept № AE-
60-0485, June 1960.
28. Squire H. B., Note on the Motion Inside a Region of Recirculation
(Cavity Flow), J. Roy. Aeronaut. Soc., 60, 203-205 (1956).
29. Batchelor G. K., On Steady Laminar Flow with Closed Stream Lines at
Large Reynolds Numbers, J. Fluid Mech., 1, 177 (1956).
30. Crabtree L. F., Effects of Leading-edge Separation on Thin Wings in
Two-dimensional Incompressible Flow, J. Aeronaut. Sci., 24, № 8, p. 597 -
604 (1957).
31. McCullough G. B., Gault D. E., Examples of Three Representative Types
of Airfoil Section Stall at Low Speed, NACA TN 2502, 195,1.
32. Doenhoff A. E., A Preliminary Investigation of Boundary Layer
Transition Along a Flat Plate with Adverse Pressure Gradient, NACA TN
639, 1938.
33. Bursnall W. J., Loftin L. K., Jr., Experimental Investigation of
Localized Regions of Laminar Boundary Layer Separation, NACA TN 2338,
34. Maekawa Т., Atsumi S., Transition Caused by the Laminar Flow
Separation (in Japanese), J. Soc. Appl. Mech. Japan, 1, 187-192 (1948);
также NACA TM 1352, 1952.
35. T a n i I., Note on the Interplay between the Laminar Separation and
the Transition from Laminar to Turbulent of the Boundary Layer (in J apa-
nese), J. Soc. Aero. Sci. Japan, 6, 122-134 (1957).
36. Owen P. R., Klanf erL., On the Laminar Boundary Layer Separation from
the Leading Edge of a Thin Airfoil, RAE Rept Aero, 2508, 1953; также CP
JM° 220, 1955.
37. Gault E. E., An Experimental Investigation of Regions of Separated
Laminar Flow, NACA TN 3505, 1955.
38. Crabtree L. F., Formation of Regions of Separated Flow on Wings
Surfaces. Part II: Laminar Separation Bubbles and the Mechanism of the
Leading-edge Stall, RAE Rept Aero. 2578, 1957; также Part II of ARC R&M №
3122, 1959.
39. Cramer K. R., On Laminar Separation Bubble, J. Aeronaut. Sci., 25, №
2, 143-144 (1958).
40. Norbury J. F. .Crabtree L. F., A Simplified Model of the
Incompressible Flow Past Two-dimensional Aerofoils with a Long Bubble
Type and Flow Separation, RAE Tech. Note Aero. 2352, June 1955.
41. К u e t h e A. М., Investigation of the Turbulent Mixing Regions
Formed by Jets, J. Appl. Mech., 2, 87-95 (1935).
42. Dimmock N. A., Some Further Jet Flap Experiments, NGTE Memo, № M255,
May 1956.
43. Maskell E. F., A Theoretical Treatment of the Thin-aerofoil Stall
(неопубликованное сообщение).
44. Butler S. F. J., Low Speed Tests of a 6% Thick RAE 101 Aerofoil
Section (неопубликованное сообщение).
45. Tati I., Critical Survey of Published Theories on the Mechanisms of
Leading-edge Stall, Aeronautical Research Institute, University of Tokyo,
Rept 367, June 1961.
46. Carriere D., E ichelbr enner E. A., Theory of Flow Reattachment by a
Tangential J et Discharging Against a Strong Adverse Pressure Gradient,
Boundary Layer and Flow Control, Vol. 7, Pergamon Press, N.Y., 1961, p.
47. Wallis R. A., Experiments with Air Jets to Control the Nose Stall on
a 3 ft Chord NACA G4A006 Aerofoil., Aero. Res. Lab. (Australia), Aero
Note № 139, 1954.
48. Wallis R. A., Boundary Layer Transition at the Leading Edge of Thin
Wings and its Effect on General Nose Separation, preprint ICAS 2nd
Congress, Zurich., Sept., 1960.
49. Evans W. Т., Mort K. W., Analysis of Computed Flow Parameters for a
Set of Sudden Stalls in Low-speed Two-dimensional Flow, NACA TN D-85,
50. Gad d, Holder, Regan, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. A, 226, 227- 253
Баум E-, Начальное развитие отрывного ламинарного струйного течения,
Ракетная техника и космонавтика, № 1 (1964).
Bloom М. Н., Steiger М. Н., Diffusion and Chemical Relaxation-in Free
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