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Факторизация и преобразования дифференциальных уравнений - Беркович Л.М.

Беркович Л. М. Факторизация и преобразования дифференциальных уравнений — Москва: НИЦ «Регулярная и хаотическая динамика», 2002. — 464 c.
ISBN 5-93972-154-0
Скачать (прямая ссылка): faktorizachiya-i-preobarazovaniya-differencial.djvu
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Aronson D.G., Weinberger H.F. Multidimensional nonlinear diffusion arising in population genetics. Adv. in Math., 1978, 30, p. 33-76.

442 Литература

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[256] Berkovich L.M. Factorization of nonlinear ordinary differential equations and linearization. Intern. Congress Mathematicians, Berlin, Aug. 18-27, 1998, Abstracts of Plenary and Invited Lectures, Berlin, 1998, 48^19.

[257] Berkovich L.M. Classification of n > 2-th order linear ordinary differential equations (on Halphen's problem). Intern. Conf. Dedicated to the 90-th Anniversary of L.S. Pontryagin, Moscow, August 31 - Sept. 6, 1998, Sec. Dif. Equations, Abstracts, 15-17.

[258] Berkovich L.M. The method of factorization and the differential resultants for linear and nonlinear differential operators. Intern. Conf. Differ, and Funct. equations, 1999, August 16-21, Moscow, p. 14-16.



[259] Berkovich L.M. Canonical forms of ordinary differential equations of order N with power nonlinearity. Proceedings of Intern, scientific conf. on mathematics, Oct. 21-23, 1999, Herlany, Slovac Rep., Tehn. University inKosice, 2000, p. 31-34.

[260] Berkovich L.M. Transformations and exact solutions of nonlinear differential equations. Symposium: Theory of partial differential equations and special topics of theory of ordinary differential equations dedicates to 150th anniversary of birthday of Sofia V. Kovalevskaya, 2000, May 11-15, St. Petersburg, p.

[261] Berkovich L.M. Transformations of ordinary differential equations: local and nonlocal symmetries. Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics of NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, 2000, Vol. 30, Part. 1, 25-34.

[262] Berkovich L.M. Integrable dynamical systems: new classes. 6th IMACS international conference on applications of computer algebra, IMACS ACA 2000, June, 25-28, 2000, Abstracts, St. Petersburg, Russia, p. 41.

[263] Berkovich L.M. On a method of exact linearization and on higher order nonlinear evolutionary equations. Intern. Conf. "Differential Equations and Related Topics", dedicated to the Centenary Anniversary of Ivan G. Petrovskii, Moscow, May 22-27, 2001, Book of Abstracts, 59-60.

[264] Berkovich L.M. Classification of n-th order ordinary differential equations with power nonlinearity. Сб. "Актуальные проблемы математики. Математические методы в естествознании.", Уфа, 2001 (в печати).

[265] Berkovich L.M. On a method of exact linearization ordinary differential equations and on a new class of higher order nonlinear evolutionary equations. Arbeitstagung 2001, preprint MPI 01-50, Bonn, 9p.

[266] Berkovich L.M. On methods of factorization and exact linearization for ordinary differential equations. Progress in nonlinear science, Intern, conference dedicated to 100-th Anniversary of A.A. Andronov. - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 2-6, 2001, p. 30-31.

[267] Berkovich L.M. The integration of ordinary differential equations: factorization and transformations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulations, vol. 57/3-5, p. 175-195, 2001.

[268] Berkovich L.M., Berkovich EL. SOLDE: AREDUCEpackage for solving of second order linear ordinary differential equations. Сб. "Современный групповой анализ и задачи математического моделирования", XI Российский коллоквиум, Самара, 7-11 июня 1993, Труды (Редакторы Н.Х. Ибрагимов, Л.М.Беркович), изд-во "Самарский университет", Самара, 1993, с. 38^+5.
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