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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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1. How many pounds1 of earth can you take out of a hole which is one foot square2 and one foot deep?

2. Two little boats without any sails,3 with ten passengers 4 on board.5 They do not go on river or sea, but travel on dry land.


Ann and Nick live in Saratov. Saratov is a town. There are many houses, shops, and schools in the town. Some people do not live in town. They live out of town. They live in the country.

In the country there are fields and many trees. There aren't many houses in the country. When a few houses in the country are together, we call the place a village.

Do you live in a village or in a town?

If you live in a town, can you tell your teacher the name of a village near your town?

Where does your grandmother live? If she lives in the country, can you tell your teacher the name of the village she lives in?

Now if you say, "I live in the country", what do you mean? And if you say, "I live in the village of Denisovka", what do you mean?


village деревня ¦ the country сельская местность

Note: to the country за город

in the country за городом

1 pound — фунт

2 one foot square — площадь в один кв. фут

3 sail — парус

4 passenger ['paesind33] — пассажир

s on board [ba:d] — на борту

l§3 Упражнения

I. Составьте и разучите диалоги, испо,

a) — Kate, would you like to

go to the country?

— It's wonderful1 to be out in the country on such a lovely day!2

— We can take a walk in the wood.

b) — Where does your cousin


— He lives in the country.

— In what village does he live?

— He lives in the village of Arkhashevo.

c) — Were you in the country

last Sunday?

— Yes, we were in Push-kino.

льзуя данные образцы:

to swim in the river, to sit on the grass, to have a very good time, to pick flowers* berries

your uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, pen-friend

in the forest, on the bank of the Volga

IL Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Does your grandmother (grandfather, friend, relative3) live in the country or in a town? In what village does she live? Is the village old or new? Does she like her village? Near what town is it?

2. If you live in the country, what is the name of your village? What is your village noted for? 4

Is there any forest near the village you live in?

3. Where do you like to spend your holidays, in the country or in town?

4. If you go to the country, do you spend your time in a village or do you go for a walk in the forest (in the corn-fields, to the river)? What do you take with you when you go to the country?

1 wonderful [7WAndaful] — замечательный

2 lovely ['IavIi] — приятный

3 relative — родственник

4 to be noted ['noutid] for — славиться, быть знаменитым

im III. Заполните пропуски словом village или country.

1. М. V. Lomonosov was born in a ... near Kholmogori.

2. Now the ... is called Lomonosovka.

3. When you are in the .. . you can pick berries 1 or looik for mushrooms 2 in the wood.

4. There are very many vegetables in the ... because they are grown 3 there.

5. We usually spend Sundays in the ..., but we did not go to the ... yesterday as the weather was bad.

6. Valery Chkalov spent his childhood in the ... of Vasilievo.

7. In spring and summer the ... near Moscow is beautiful, it is all green.

IV. Составьте рассказ по картинке, используя вопросы:

1. Do these children live in the country or in town?

2. Are there many houses in the village?

3. Are the houses big or small?

4. Is there much snow in the country?

5. Do children ski far from their houses?

6. Is the air fresh in the country?

7. Is the country beautiful in winter?

V. Выучите стихотворение:

Some people live in the country, Where the houses are very small. Some people live in the town, Where the houses are very tall.


Tm a little country lad 4 In a fine red coat, you see. When they meet me, folk5 are glad And always bow low6 to me!

1 to pick berries — собирать ягоды

2 mushrooms — грибы

3 they are grown there — там их выращивают

A country lad — сельский житель

5 folk [fouk] — люди

6 to bow low — низко кланяться ВОСЬМОЙ КЛАСС ¦


Kate has a brother. His name is Bob. Bob works at a factory and studies at the same time. Kate doesn't work. She is a pupiL She wants to be a teacher of geography. She wants to teach geography at school. She is studying geography now.

Bob and Kate study a foreign language. It is English. Bob does not know English well. He sometimes asks Kate to help him.

Kate knows a lot of words and she knows grammar very well. She teaches Bob grammar and helps him to learn new words. Bob learns many new words because he wants to speak English very well.

This evening, as Kate and Bob have learned their lessons, they want to play a game of chess, and Bob teaches her. Kate learns to play chess and Bob teaches her. Bob is a good chessplayer.
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