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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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10.2 1. do 2. help 3. leave 4. return 5. go 6. cost 7. work 8. know 9. tell 10. correct 11. pay
10.13 1. correct 2. show 3. have 4. be 5. worry 6. laugh 7. talk 8 stay 9. look 10. help
10.20 1. do, wake up 2. wakes up 3. woke up 4. shall wake up 5. woke up, got up 6. gets up 7. began 8. began 9. will begin
10. begins 11. drives 12. drive 13. drove 14. will drive 15. feels 16. did ... feel 17. did... feel 18. will feel 19. hurts 20.. hurts 21. hurt 22. hurt 23. did ... hurt 24. did ... hurt 25. do... put on 26. put on
10.23 1. tries 2. try 3. tried 4. did... try 5. use 6. uses 7. shall use 8. to look through 9. looked through 10. shall look through 11,,were chatting 12. do .... chat 13. was carrying 14. hopes 15. hoped 16. hope 17. happened 18. did ... happen 19. happened 20. happen 21. is happening
10.27 1.are 2. did 3. do, will 4. were 5. did 6. do/can 7. did 8. does/may 9. did 10. are 11. do/can 12. does/did 13. do , ,14. will/can 15, are 16. were 17. were 18. had 19. had 20. may/can 21. will
11.6 1. have seen 24have heard 3. has givan 4. haven't had 5. has gone 6. have found 7. have put 8. haven't read 9. has . toid, 10. haven't had 11. has got 12. have done 13. has lost 14. have left 15. have forgotten 16. haven't spoken 17. have made 18. have told 19. has shown 20. have brought
11.14 1. didn't see 2. haven't seen 3. didn't do 4. haven't done 5. didn't drive 6. haven't driven 7. didn't invite 8. have invited 9. didn't buy 10. have bought 11. didn't go 12. haven't been
11.16 1. haven't have 2. hasn't left 3. haven't spoken 4. we haven't found 5. hasn't chosen 6. hasn't read 7. haven't paid 8. hasn't driven 9. hasn't eaten 10. haven't been 11. haven't gone 12. haven't bought
11.17 1. haven't chosen 2. haven't started 3. haven't lost 4. didn't come 5. didn't put on, invited 6. happened 7. were 8. have been 9. are waiting 10. were doing, came 11. haven't driven 12. needs 13. does ... use 14. did.... sleep 15. did let
16. will wake up, need 17. fell down 18. hasn't played 19. were doing 20. are going 21. will begin 22. did ... decide 23. has left 24. did ... leave 25. does.... worry 26. do .... hope 27. are laughing 28. will return, finishes 29. looks,
. " doesn't feel 30. do... have 31. are free 32. does.... ieam
11.19 1. somebody/someone 2. somebody/someone 3. something 4. something 5. something 6. somewhere 7. somewhere 8. sofTiebody/someone 9. somebody/someone 10. something 11. everybody 12. everybody 13. everybody 14. everybody 15. everything 16. everything 17. everything 18. everywhere 19. everywhere
11.21 1. anybody, nobody 2. anybody, nobody 3. anybody, nobody 4. anybody, nobody 5. anybody, nobody 6. anything, nothing 7. anything, nothing 8. anything, nothing 9. anything, nothing 10. anywhere, nowhere 11. anywhere, nowhere 13. anywhere, nowhere
11.24 1. to become 2. became 3. became 4. throws 5. have thrown 6. threw 7. has thrown 8. grows 9. grew 10. has grown 11. fly 12. flew 13. have flown 14. swim 15. were swimming 16. haven't swum
11.26 1. repeat 2. haven't repeated 3. doesn't respect 4. respected 5. are shouting 6. shouted 7. did, shout 8. lies 9. does ... lie 10. washes 11. wash 12. have washed 13. have changed 14. have changed 15. changes 16. weighs 17. weigh
11.29 1. legend 2. memory, poems 3. the author 4. a talent 5. a soldier, the army 6. prison 7. a fine 8. a secret 9. idea 10. square 11. palaces 12. the world 13. the sea, the mountains 14. stars 15. stones, animals 16. the weight
11.36 1.of 2.for 3.by 4.for 5.in 6. to,to 7.at 8. to 9. to 10.on 11.to,— 12.to, in 13.for,of 14.about 15.for 16.at
17. for 18. from, into, for 19. of
12.2 1. larger 2. younger 3. heavier 4. higher 5. better 6. better 7. worse 8. worse 9. worse 10. more 11. more 12. more 13. more 14. fewer 15. less 16. less 17. further 18. elder, older 19. more/less interesting 20. more I less talented 21. more / less difficult 22. more / less expensive
12.3 1. much / a little / a bit cleaner 2. much / a little better 3. much / far busier 4. much / a lot / a little I a bit shorter 5. much I a bit worse 6. much I a little more 7. much I far I a bit more 8. much / a little less 9. much I a little fewer 10. much I a lot I far I a little/ a bit more interesting 11. much I a lot liar I a little / a bit more expensive 12. much / a lot / far / a little / a bit more talented
12.5 1. the happiest 2. the saddest 3. the best 4. the nicest 5. the longest 6. the heaviest 7. the worst 8. the funniest 9. the worst 10. the richest 11. the most difficult 12. the most beautiful 13. the largest 14. the best
12.8 1. earlier 2. later 3. sooner, later 4. better 5. better 6. worse 7. worse 8. worse 9. worse 10. more 11. more 12. more 13. less 14. less 15. less 16. more, less 17. more often 18. more quietly 19. more carefully
12.9 1. a little / a bit later 2. much / a little / a bit 3. a little sooner 4. much better 5. much / far worse 6. much I a little
7. much I a little less 8. much I a little less 9. much more often
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