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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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........,'...........................3. In VIII-VII centuries B.C. there appeared Celtic tribes: people from..............................
4. They built ........................ 5. Later in the I century B.C................................ 6. In Ireland and Scotland
there remained...................,........ 7. Romans left the country in.................8. Germanic tribes, which settled
in the southern part of the country, were.............................9. The romanized Celts turned to..........................
10. King Arthur was.......................... 11. It took three centuries (VI-IX) to achieve.............................. 12. The
main feature of the early medieval period of history was..................... 13. The Viking invasion of VIII-IX
centuries made inity an alternative to....................... 14. Viking invaders were stopped by..........................
15. Alfred's grandson Edgar.................. 16. During the Norman conquest (1066 -1154) William (the Conqueror)
........................ 17. For 245 years after that England was ruled by..................... 18. The XV century had
begun ..............,...... 19. Henry VII Tudor (1485-1509) established.................... 20. The second Tudor
monarch, Henry VIII (1509-1547).............................. 21. Henry VIII was famous for....................22. It was the
time of................................23. The XVI century gave England such names as.............................................
30.6 Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Who inhabited the British Isles at the time of the Stone Age? 2. Who came to the British Isles after that? 3. In which centuries did there appear Celtic tribes? Where did they come from? 4. What kind of society did the Celts build? Which cities did they found and develop? 5. When did the Roman invasion begin? How long did it last? 6. Which lands were touched by romanization and which weren't? 7. Who settled in the southern part of the country after Romans had left? When did it happen? 8. Where were Angles and Saxons from? 9. Why did they ruin roman cities and all the signs of roman civilization? 10. What was the reaction of the people in England -the romanized Celts? 11. Why did King Arthur become the hero? 12, How long did it take to achieve the political unification of the country? 13. How many kingdoms, were established on the territory of the country? 14. What was the main feature of the early medieval period of British history? 15. When did Wessex suoced in consolidating all the kingdoms into a united country? 16. Why couldn't England of that time be called a centralized state? 17. Which invasion made inity an alternative to a complete loss of independence? 18. Who stopped the invaders? 19. Who was the first king crowned as King of All the English? 20. Who declared himself heir to the crown of England during the Norman conquest? What was the situation in the country at that time? 21. Which dynasty oiled the country for 245 years after? 22. Who became the first King of the House of Lancaster? 23. Which war and against which country lasted 100 years? 24. Who and how resumed the Hundred Years War? 25. Which process began in, England in the XV century? 26. Who and when established the new Tudor dynasty? 27. Who and when consolidated absolute monarchy in the country? 28. What was King Henry VIII famous tor? 29. Which period of time may be considered the beginning of English Renaissance? 30. Which great people were working in England in the XVI century?
30.7 Переведите следующие понятия:
Каменный век; альпийская раса; племя; патриархальное общество; общинная земельная собственность; христианство; обычаи и традиции; кельтские диалекты; римская, цивилизация; англо-саксонские завоеватели,- политическое объединение; ранний средневековый период; феодализация страны; централизованное государство; политическая независимость; нашествие викингов; церемония коронации; норманское нашествие; наследник престола; гражданская война; столетняя война; переход от феодализма к капитализму; абсолютная монархия.
q й
30, 8 Назовите события из истории Великобритании^-фответствующие данным историческим периодам и датам:
the Stone Age; VIII-VII centuries B.C.; the і century B.C.; the IVcentury A.D.; the Vl century A.D.; VI-IXcc.; 842; 871-899; 973; 1066-1154; 1154-1189; 1399-1413; 1413-1422, the XV century; the XVI century; 1509-1547.
ЗО. 9 Дополните следующие предложения (Text N):
1. The XVII century went down in the history of Great Britain as ............................. 2. The bourgeois revolution
in Great Britain was.............................. 3. The bourgeois revolution established......................................
4. The first Stuart King James I (1603-1625)................................................ 5. His son*Charies I (1625-1649)
................................... 6. In 1649 the Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell....................................................
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