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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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JAN: I saw in the newspaper today that now is a good time to buy your suit for next summer.
HOB: I already have my suit for next summer.
JAN: You are very quick. When did you buy it?
HOB: Two years ago last summer. This is it! A woman came to our house last week wanting to buy old clothes. She said to me, "What do you do with your old clothes?"
JAN: And what did you say?
HOB: I said, "I take them off and leave them on a chair at night, and put them on again next morning."
Фонетическая тренировка
I-f01]-i i------------[I3J i
boy boil ear dear really dearer
joy noise hear near dearest interfere
¦ 126
1. Вставьте пропущенные слова (первая буква некоторых слов дана):
I. Something w_________with my саг. 2. Did you see the d______in
Harridge's windows? 3.1 didn't like the____and__of any of them. 4.1
like colours. 5. We are different and what you doesn't me.
6.1 think your__always look very nice. 7. Did you__these clothes in
London? 8.1 bought them in Berne last______. 9. Isn't it very_to buy
them in Paris? 10. No, it's about the_as in London. 11.1 buy clothes
_ every month or six weeks. 12. My suits___six years not six weeks.
13. Oh, you don't u_. 14. A woman can't___the same old things time
after time. 15. A woman b what she wants to b not what is__________.
16. You must go out in the fresh and light clothes.
2. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: dress, cut, style, bright, to suit, clothes, buy, summer, expensive,
understand, wear, believe, really, true, great
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How did Lucille come to the class this morning?
2. What kind of colours does Lucille like?
3. What was it about the dresses that Lucille didn't like?
4. Does the same thing suit all people?
5. Where did Lucille buy her clothes?
6. Where did Frieda buy her clothes?
7. Did Lucille say it was very expensive to buy clothes in Paris?
8. How often does Lucille buy a new dress?
9. What was Hob's "great thought" about women?
10. What did the doctor tell the woman?
II. What did the woman tell her husband?
12. When did Hob buy his suit for next summer?
4. Разыграйте сценку, рассказанную Хобом.
Дрок 26
Irregular Verbs (1)
В Уроке 25 есть несколько форм неправильных глаголов прошедшего времени, например:
I came down Bond Street.
I thought the dresses were very nice.
I bought these clothes in Berne.
Вот еще несколько неправильных глаголов: cut, wear, write, know, take, leave.
Present Tense Past Tense Present Tense Past Tense
come came wear wore
think thought write wrote
buy bought know knew
pay paid take took
cut cut leave left
bring brought tell told
* * *
Verbs and Nouns
В Уроке 25 слово cut было существительным:
I didn't like the cut of the dresses.
Здесь оно является глаголом:
A bad tailor can never cut a suit well.
• Точно так же слова dress, address, thought могут быть как существительными, так и глаголами. Примеры:
(a) She always dresses well, (verb)
(b) Her dresses are very expensive, (noun)
(a) Please address this letter for me. (verb)
(b) I don't know the right address, (noun)
(a) 1 thought that the dresses were very nice, (verb)
(b) Hob gave us another "great thought" today, (noun)
¦ 128
Но обратите внимание, что существительное suit и глагол to suit совершенно отличны по значениям:
(a) I bought this suit at a good tailor's, (noun)
(b) She looks very nice in that dress; it suits her very well, (verb)
Clothes, cloth
Cloth (произносится как [klt>0]) - материя, ткань. Например:
That is a good piece of cloth. Make a suit from it for me.
The tailor cuts the cloth.
Портной шьет одежду (clothes |klau5z|) из куска ткани (cloth).
Обратите внимание, что слово clothes всегда употребляется во множественном числе и требует форму глагола во множественном числе:
His clothes are always very good.
В Уроке 15 вам встретилось слово light, значение которого было противоположно значению слова dark. Например:
Frieda's hair is /г#/;/brown, Jan's is dark brown.
Слово light может иметь совершенно иное значение и быть антонимом к слову heavy.
"So did I"
В Уроке 17 вам встретилась конструкция:
"I get up at half past seven-and so does my husband"
В Уроке 25 та же самая конструкция была в прошедшем времени:
"I walked here." "So did I. "
Фонетическая тренировка (повторение) face, family, figure, fight, right, night, bright, fire, first, Friday, friend, fruit, gaiety, go, gone, grey
1. Заполните таблицу. Первая строчка дана в качестве примера:
Infinitive Past Tense Past Tense Interrogative Past Tense Negative
to see to dance to come to know to understand to go to speak to do to think to buy to drink to pay to get to wear to say to eat I saw Did I see? I didn't see
2. Образуйте отрицательные предложения:
l. Hob answered all the questions. 2. Lucille bought a new dress.
3.1 drank my cup of tea. 4. The boy took the letter in his hand. 5. The cook made breakfast early in the morning. 6. The students went to Mr. Priestley's house every day. 7. The waiters put the cups on the table.
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