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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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"Peter Smith having gone to sea his wife would like your prayers for his safety."
She had forgotten to put in the comma after the word sea, and the parson, without thinking, read:
"Peter Smith having gone to see his wife would like your prayers for his safety."
MR. PRIESTLEY: Well, Hob, do you still think that commas don't matter?
JAN: Could you please give us a lesson on the rules of punctuation?
There are a lot of things about punctuation that I am not sure about. MR. PRIESTLEY: I think the following points might be useful.
Многие из наиболее употребительных знаков пунктуации уже встречались вам в ранее приведенных примерах. Это кавычки Quotation marks (" "), используемые при передаче прямой речи; восклицательный знак Exclamation mark (!), употребляемый после междометий или для выражения сильных чувств; вопросительный знак Question mark (?), употребляемый после вопроса в прямой речи (но не в косвенной); запятая Comma (,) и точка Full stop(.).
Точка, точка с запятой Semi-colon (;) и запятая служат для обозначения пауз между словами. Точка соответствует самой большой паузе, затем идут точка с запятой и запятая.
Точка ставится:
(1) в конце всех предложений, исключая вопросительные и восклицательные. Например:
Не needs your help.
Help him.
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(2) в аббревиатурах, таких как: М.А. (=Master of Arts), H.M.S. Valiant (=Her Majesty's Ship Valiant), U.S.A. (=United States of America), e.g. (=exemplia gratia (Latin) = for example), и т.д.
Двоеточие (Colon) ставится:
(1) между двумя предложениями, из которых во втором более подробно дается информация о содержании первого. Часто двоеточие означает "то есть". Например:
Richard's work is unsatisfactory: his answers are thougthless, his spelling is careless and writing is bad.
(2) при перечислении чего-либо. Например:
Some commonly used punctuation marks are: full stop, colon, semi-colon and comma.
Точка с запятой ставится:
(1) между предложениями, входящими в состав сложного предложения, при отсутствии союзов. Например:
"Your appearance pleased my friend; then it delighted me; I have watched your behaviour in strange circumtances; I have studied how you played and how you bore your losses; lastly, 1 have asked you to do a most dangerous thing, and you received it like an invitation to dinner." R.L. Stevenson.
Обратите внимание на то, что в этом примере более короткие паузы на письме передаются запятыми.
(2) со словами so, therefore, however, nevertheless, besides, then, otherwise, соединяющими предложения. Вот несколько примеров:
Do the work well; then I will pay you.
You must take more exercise; otherwise you will get too fat.
Richard didn't work hard; so he didn't pass his examination.
Запятая употребляется чаще других знаков пунктуации. Обычно она ставится:
(1) при перечислении. Например:
At the party we had cakes, jellies, ices, biscuits, chocolate and lemonade.1
(2) в прямой речи. Например:
"Tell me," he said, "how you know all that."
The man replied, "I heard it on the radio."
(3) чтобы показать, где при чтении нужно сделать паузу; в большей степени это относится к обстоятельственным придаточным. Например:
Although it was foggy, we played the match.
1 have explained this work to Richard, but he still doesn't understand it.
If you will help me, I will help you.
John, who is in our class, has won a scholarship.
(4) при обращении. Например:
George, tell Richard the answer to the question.
I hope, sir, my answer is right.
(5) для выделения слов however, therefore, of course, for instance и др. Например:
You know, of course, what a gerund is; I needn't, therefore, explain it now.
(6) при перечислении званий, титулов. Например:
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, was bom in 1926.
I saw Mr. Smith, your teacher, this morning.
(7) для выделения причастных оборотов, когда при чтении нужно сделать паузу. Например:
George, seeing that his brother was hurt, ran to help him.
Remembering how fond you are of fruit, I've brought you some apples from our garden.
Перепишите следующие рассказы, расставляя знаки
1 Запятая обычно не ставится перед союзом and и последним из перечисляемых предметов.
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The following was written on the gravestone of an army mule here lies maggie the mule who in her time kicked a general two colonels four majors ten captains twenty-four lieutenants forty sergeants two hundred and twenty privates and a bomb.
i cant understand it said mr williams oh what cant you understand said his friend well said mr williams just look at this suit im wearing the wool was grown in australia the cloth was woven in yorkshire the buttons were made in india the suit was made in london and i bought it in cairo whats so remarkable about that asked his friend isnt it wonderful said williams taking no notice of the interruption that so many people can make a living out of something i havent paid for
the mayfair club for noblemen and gentlemen was famous one day a member who had lost his umbrella there went to the secretary and asked him to put up a notice which read will the nobleman who took an umbrella that did not belong to him please return it at once but why nobleman asked the surprised secretary well was the answer this is a club for noblemen and gentlemen and the person who took my umbrella was certainly no gentleman
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