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Сравнительная лексикология славянских языков - Цейтлин Р.М.

Цейтлин Р.М. Сравнительная лексикология славянских языков — M.: Наука, 1996. — 232 c.
ISBN 5-02-011243-7
Скачать (прямая ссылка): sravnleksologslav1996.djv
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305. Sima P. Textovo-kriticka Studia о evanjeliovych kodexoeh. Br., 1969.
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308. TiSitelavaM. Otazky lexikalnl statistiky. Pr., 1974.
309. TeSitelovd M. a koi. Kvantitarivnf charakteristiky soucasne ceStiny. Pr., 1985.
310. TravnKekFr. Slovnlk jazyka ceskebo. Pr., 1952.
311. TfeSlik D. Kosmova kronika. Pr., 1968.
312. UrbaikzykS. Zdawnych stosunkdw jezykowych polsko-czeskich. Cz. I. BibKakrflowej Zofii a «aroczeskie przeklady pisma Sw. Krakow, 1946.
313. Vaillant Л. Grammaire comparee des langues slaves. Paris; Lyon, 1950. Т. I; 1954— 1958. T. 2.
314. Vaiica J. K lexiku zakona sudnetio ljudem // Slavisticna revija. 1957. T. 10, N 1/4.
315. Veierka R. Vliv reCtiny na staroslovenSrinu // Listy filol. 1971. R0Cn. 94, seS. 2.
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Предисловие...................................................................................... з
Задачи сравнительной лексикологии........................................... 6
Типы морфемных лексико-семантических групп....................... 32
Слово отрокъ и лексико-семантическая группа с суффиксом
-а/-а/П- ............................................................................................... 60
Лексико-семантическая группа с основой -обид-....................... 83
Лексико-семантическая группа -чист-......................................... 111
Лексико-семантическая группа -гр'кх- ......................................... 128
Лексико-семантическая группа -прав-.......................................... 137
Лексико-семантическая группа -крив- ......................................... 167
Лексико-семантическая группа -лях-........................................... 179
Заключение....................................................................................... 196
Принятые сокращения...............................................-.................... 208
Литература........................................................................................ 217
Preface ................................................................................................ 3
Aims of comparative lexicology........................................................ б
Morpheme types of semantic and lexical word groups ..................... 32
The word отрокъ and semantic and lexical word group with suffix
•W-Am-............................................................................................... 60
Semantic and lexical group with stem -обид-................................... 83
Semantic and lexical word group -чист-.......................................... j j j
Semantic and lexical word group -гріх-........................................... 128
Semantic and lexical word group -прав-........................................... 137
Semantic and lexical word group -крив-........................................... 167
Semantic and lexical word group -ляк-............................................ 179
Concluson........................................................................................... 196
Abbreviations...................................................................................... 208
Bibliography..........................................................................*............ 217
Tsaitlin R.M.
The comparative lexicology of X/XI—XIV/XV century Slavic languages. Problems and methods.
The book deals with problems and methods of contrastive analysis of lexical systems in related languages; Russian, Bulgarian and Chech X/XI—XIV/XV century manuscripts have been analysed; lexics and semantics of word groups with common root of affix morphemes are considered as lexical microsystems of a given language in a given period. The book determines morpheme microsystem types, their structure, similarities and differences in the given languages; mutual dependences of microsystems in the lexical language system as a whole is shown. The present study permits to better the Classification of Slavic languages or to define many unclear words in ancient texts.
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