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Нестационарный теплообмен - Кошкин В.К.

Кошкин В.К., Калинин Э.К., Дрейцер Г.А., Ярхо С.А. Нестационарный теплообмен — М.: Машиностроение, 1973. — 328 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): nestacionarniyteploobmen1973 .djvu
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114. Hendricks R. S., Graham R. W., Hsu Y. Y., Friedman R. Experimental
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115. Hendricks R. S., Graham R. W., Hsu Y. Y., Medeiros A. A. Correlation of hydrogen heat transfer in boiling and supercritical pressure states. ARS Journal. Vol. 32, 1962, N 2.
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121. Kalinin E. K., Dreitser G. A., Yarkho S. A. The experimental study of the heat transfer intensification under conditions of forced flow in channels Proceeding of JSME 1967 Semi—International Symposium, 4—8 Sept. 1967. Tokyo. Vol. 1. 1967, p. 65—77.
122. Kalinin E. K., Dreitser G. A., Yarkho S. A., Kusminov V. A. Local separation in turbulent flow in channels as a method of heat transfer intensification. Papers of Symposium «Heat and Mass Transfer in Flows with Separated Regions and Measurment Techniques». Hercag—Novji, Yugoslavia, September 1—13.
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123. Kalinin E. K., Koshkin V. K., Yarkho S. A., Berlin I. I., Kostyuk V. V., Kochelaev Y. S. Heat transfer in tubes with «rod» regime in the case of film boiling of a subculed liquid. «Cocurent Gas—Liquid Flow». Plenum Press. New York, 1969, p. 497—525.
124. Kalinin E. Км Yarkho S. A., Berlin I. I., Kochelaev Y. S., Kostyuk V. V. Investigation of the crisis of film boiling in channels. Proceedings of 90th Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, November 16—20, 1969 (Symposium «Two—Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Rod Bundles»). Los Angeles, California, p. 89—94.
125. Kalinin E. K-, Koshkin V. K-, Yarkho S. A., Berlin I. I., Kochelaev Y. S., Kostyuk V. V., Korolev A. L., Sdobnov G. M. Investigation of film boiling in tubes with subcooled nitrogen flow. Proceedings of the Forth International Heat Transfer Conference. Paris—Versailles. Vol. 5, B. 1970.
126. Kalinin E. K-, Dreitser G. A. Unsteady heat transfer and hydrodynamic in channels. «Advances in Heat Transfer», vol. 6, «Academic Press». New York.
1970, p. 367—502.
127. Kamamura H., Tachibana F., Akiyama M. Heat transfer and BNB heat flux in transient boiling. Heat Transfer 1970, IV, Intern. Heat Transfer Conference, Paris—Versailles. Vol. 5, B3. 3. 1970.
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129. Kline S. J., Reynolds W. S., Schraul F. A., Runstadler P. W. The structure of turbulent boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 35. 1967, N 4.
130. Koshkin V. К., Danilov Y. I., Kalinin E. K, Dreitser G. A., Galitseys-ky В. M.t Izosimov V. G. Unsteady heat transfer in tubes resulting from changes in heat flow, gas flow rate and acoustic resonance. «Proceedings Third International Heat Transfer Conference», Chicago, 1966, v. Ill, New York, N. Y., AIChE,
1966, p. 57—70.
131. Koshkin V. K., Kalinin E. K. Dreitser G. A., Galitseisky В. М., Izosi-
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132. Kruger R. A., Rohsenow W. M. Film boiling inside horisontal tubes.
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133. Laverty W. F., Rosenow W. M. Film boiling of saturated nitrogen flowing in a vertical tube. Paper ASME, N WA/HT—26, 1965.
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136. Mikic В. B., Rohsenow W. M. A new correlation of poolboiling data
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137. Miyasugi Т., Akimoto М., Wakui H., Shindo M. Heat transfer to fully
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138. Moretti P. М., Kays W. M. Heat transfer to a turbulent boundary layer
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