Точки либраций в небесной механике и космодинамике - Маркеев А.П.
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126. FarquharR. W. Station-keeping in the vicinity of collinear libration points with an application to a lunar communications problem. AAS Preprint 66-132, July, 1966.
127. Farquhar R. W. Lunar communications with libration-point satellites.— Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 1967, v. 4, № 10, pp. 1383— 1384.
128. Farquhar R. W. The control and use of libration-point satellites. Stanford University, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, SUDAAR, № 350, July, 1968.
129. Farquhar R. W. Future missions for libration-point satellites.— A Publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
1969, v. 7, № 5, pp. 52—56.
130. Farquhar R. W. Limit-cycle analysis of a controlled libration-point satellite.— Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 1970, v. 17, № 5, pp. 267—291.
131. FarquharR. W. A halo-orbit lunar station.—Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1972, v. 10, № 6, pp. 59—63.
132. Farquhar R. W., Kamel A. A. Quasi-periodic orbits about the translunar libration point.— AIAA Paper, 1972, № 72—935, pp. 1—11.
133. Farquhar R. W., Kamel A. A. Quasi-periodic orbits about the translunar libration point.— Celestial Mechanics, 1973, v. 7, № 4.
134. Gascheau G. Examen d’une classe d’equations differentielles et application a un cas particulier du probleme des trois corps.— Comptes Rendus, 1843, v. 16, p. 393.
135. Gerding R. B. Rendezvous equations in the vicinity of the second libration point.— Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 1971, т. 8, № 3, pp. 292—294.
136. Giacaglia G. E. O. Characteristic Exponents at and Ls in the Elliptic Restricted Problem of Three Bodies.— Celestial Mechanics, 1971, v. 4, №' 3/4.
137. Giacaglia G. E. O. Perturbation methods in non-linear systems.— Applied Mathematical Science,* v. 8, New York: Springer, 1972.
138. Glimm J. Formal stability of Hamiltonian systems.—Comm. Pure appl. math., 1964, v. 17, № 4, pp. 509—526.
139. GrobnerW. Die Lie-reihen und ihre anwendungen. Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenshaften, 1967.
140. Henrard J. Periodic orbits emanating from a resonaut equilibrium.— Celest. Mech., 1970, v. 1, № 3/4, pp. 437—466.
141. Heppenheimer T. A. Optimal controls for out-of-plane motion about the translunar libration points.— Journal of spacecraft and Rockets,
1970, v. 7, № 9, pp. 1088—1092.
142. H o r і G. I. Theory of general perturbations with unspecified canonical variables.— Astron. Soc., Japan, 1966, v. 18, № 4, pp. 287—296.
143. К a m e 1 A. A. Expansion formulae in canonical transformations depending on a small parameter. — Celestial Mechanics, 1969, v. 1, № 2, pp. 190—199.
144. К a m e 1 A. A. Perturbation theory based on Lie transforms and its application to the stability of motion near sun-perturbed Earth-Moon triangular libration points. Nasa, CR 1622, 1970.
145. Kampen E. R., WintnerA. On canonical transformations of Hamiltonian systems.— Amer. J. Math., 1936, v. 58, № 4, p. 851.
146. Kolenkiewicz R., Carpenter L. Stable periodic orbits about the Sun perturbed Eartli-Moon traingular points.— AIAA Journal, 1968, v. 6, № 7.
147. Kunitsyn A. L. On the stability of laplace’s solutions of the unrestricted three body problem.— Celestial Mechanics, 1974, v. 9, № 4, pp. 471— 481.
148. Lagrange J. L. Eassais sur le probleme des trois corps. Paris, 1772.
149. L a n с о s Cf. C. Eine neue transformation theorie linearer kanonischer gleichungen.— Ann. Physik, 1934, 5 Folge, Bd. 20, S. 653.
150. LanzanoP. Contributions to the elliptic restricted three body problem.— Icarus, 1967, v. 6, № 1.
151. Levi-Civita T. Sorpa alcuni criteri di instabilita.— Ann. mat. pura et appl., 1901, ser. 3, v. 5, p. 221.
152. Littlewood J. E. On the equilateral configuration in the restricted, problem of three bodies.— Proc. London Math. Soc., 1959, v. 3, № 9, pp. 343—372.
153. Littlewood J. E. The Lagrange configuration in celestial mechanics.— Proc. London Matli. Soc., 1959, v. 3, № 9, p. 525—543.
154. Louterman G., Roels J. Normalisation des systemes lineaires canoniques et appication au probleme restrint des trois corps. — Celestial Mechanics, 1970, v. 3, № 1, p. 129.
155. MersmanW. A. A new algorithm for the Lie transformation. — Celestial Mechanics, 1970, v. 3, № 1.
456. Mersman W. A. Explicit recursive algorithms for the construction of equivalent canonical transformations.— Celestial Mechanics 1971 v. 3, № 3. ’
157. Mozer J. New aspects in the theory of stability of Hamiltonian system.___
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 1958, v. 11, № 1, pp. 81—114.
158. Moser J. Stabilitatsverhalten kanonischer Differential gieichungs sys-teme.— Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Gottingen, Math.-Phys., 1955 KL Ha № 6, SS. 87—120.
159. M oser J. On the elimination of the irrationality condition and Birk-
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160. N ay f eh A. H., Kamel A. A. Stability of the triangular points in the elliptic restricted problem of three bodies.— AIAA Journal, 1970, v. 8, № 2.