Точки либраций в небесной механике и космодинамике - Маркеев А.П.
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87. Сокольский А. Г. Об устойчивости автономной гамильтоновой системы с двумя степенями свободы в случае равных частот.— Прикладная математика и механика, 1974, т. 38, вып. 5, с. 791—799.
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102. Arnold V. I., Avez A. Ergodic problems of classical mechanics. New York, 1968.
103. Bennett A. Characteristic exponents of the five equlibrium solution in the elliptically restricted problem.— Icarus, 1965, v. 4, № 2.
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106. BreakwellJ., PringlR. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics: Methods in Astrodynamics and Celestial Mechanics. New York; Acad. Press, 1966, v. 17, pp. 55—73.
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108. Campbell J. A., JeffrisW. H. Equivalence of the perturbation theories oj^Hori and Deprit.— Celestial Mechanics, 1970, v. 2.
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110. D a n b у J. M. A. Stability of the triangular points in the elliptic restricted problem of three bodies — Astr. J., 1964, v. 69, № 2, p. 165.
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112. Deprit A., Henrard J., Rom A. Trojan Orbits, pt. 2. Birkhoff’s normalization.— Icarus, 1967, v. 6, pp. 381—406.
113. D e p r і t A. Canonical transformations depending on a small parameter:— Celestial Mechanics, 1969, v. 1, № 1.
114. Deprit A., D e 1 і e A. Trojan orbits. I. d’Alembert series at] L,.— Icarus, 1965, v. 4, № 3, pp. 242—266.
115. Deprit A., Henrard J. A manifold of periodic orbits. — Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, New York; London: Academic Press,
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118. Deprit A.,Price J. F. The computation of characteristic exponents in the planar restricted problem of three bodies;— Astron. J., 1965, v. 70, № 10, pp. 836—846.
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120. Deprit A., Palmore J. Analitical continuation and firstorder stability of the short-period orbits at L, in Sun-Jupiter system.— Astron. J., 1966, v. 71, № 2, pp. 94—98.
121. Deprit A., R a b e E., Periodic Trojan orbit for the resonance 1/12.— Astron. J., 1969, v. 74, № 2, pp. 317—320.
122. D e p r і t A. Limiting orbits around the equilateral centers of libration.
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123. Deprit A., Henrard J. The Trojan manifold-survey and conjectures. in book: G. E. O. Giacaglia (ed.). Periodic orbits, stability and resonances, 1970, Reidel Rublishing Company, pp. 1—18.
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125. E u 1 e r E. A., Y u E. Y. Optimal station-keeping at collinear points.— AIAA Paper, 1969, № 906, pp. 1—7.