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Оптический производстенный контроль - Малакара Д.

Малакара Д. Оптический производстенный контроль — М.: Машиностроение, 1985. — 400 c.
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8. Bruning J. H., Herriot D. R. A Versatile Laser Interferometer.— Appl. Opt, 9, 2180 (1970).

9. Buin A. P., Semenova M. P., Kiryukhina L. A. Inspection of the Surface Quality of Large Scale Optical Components of an Unequal Arm Interferometer.— Sov. J. Opt. Technol., 36, 720, 1969. (оригинал на русском языке: Оптико-механическая промышленность, 1969, № 1:0, с. 74).

10 Burch С. R. TIie Williams Interferometer, Monthly Not. R. Soc. 100, 488 (1940).

11. Candler С. Modern Interferometers, Hilger and Watts, London, 1951, lChaps 6, 7.

12. Collier R. T., Burkhardt С. В., Lin L. H. Optical Holography, Academic Press, New York, 1971, p. 146.

13. Connes P. Aumentation du Produit Luminosite X. Resolution des Interfero-rretres par l'Emploie d'une Difference de Marche Independente de l'Incidence. <— Rev. Opt, 35, 37 (1956).

64 14. Cook A. H. Interference of Electromagnetic vVaves, Clarendon Press, Oxford, і971, Cliaps 2, 4.

15. De Vany A. S. On Using a Williams Interferometer for Making a Divider Plate. — Appl. Opt., 4, 365 (1965).

16. Dutton D., Cornejo A., Latta M. A Semiautomatic Method for Interpreting Sliearing Intenerograms.— Appl. Opt., 7, 125 (1968).

17. Dyson J. Unit Magnification Optical System without Seidel Aberrations. — J. Opt. Soc. Am, 49, 713 (1959).

IS. Forsythe G. E. Generation and Use of Orthogonal Polynomials for Data-Filting on a Digital Computer.—J. Soc. lndnst. Appl. Math, 5, 74 (1957).

19. Gordon S. K, Jacobs S. F. Modification of Inexpensive Muitimode Lasers bi Produce a Stal)iiized Single Frequency Beam. — Appl. Opt, 13, 231 (1974).

20. Grigull V, Rotlenkolber H. Two Beam Interferometer Using a Laser.— J. Opt. Soc. Am, 57, 149 (1967).

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22. Hansen G. Die Sichtbarkeit der Interferenzen beim Twvman Interferometer.—Optic. 12, 5 (1955).

23. Hariharan P, Sen D. Tlie Separation of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical WayeiYont Aberrations in the Twvman Interferometer. — Proc. Plivs. Soc, 77, 328 {!961).

24. Hopkins R. E. Re-evaluation oi the Problem of Optical Design. — J. Opt. Soc. Am, 52, 1218 (1962).

25. Horne D. F. Optical Production Technology, Adam Ililger, London, 1972, and Crane Russak, New York, 1972, Chap. 11.

26. Houston J. B, Jr., Buccini C. J., O'Neill P. K. A Laser Unequal Path Interferometer for the Optical Shop. —Appl. Opt, 6, 1237 (1967).

27. Kiiigslake R. The Interferometer Patterns due to the Primary Aberrations. — Trans. Opt. Soc.. 27, 94 (1925—1926).

23. Kingslake R. The Interferometer Patterns due to the Prim.

29. Kingsiake R. The Analysis of an Interferogram. — Trans. Opt. Soc, 28, 1 (1926 -1927).

30. Kocher D. G. Twyman—Green Interferometer to Test Large Aperture Optical Systems, —Appl. Opt, 11, 1872 (1972).

31. Luneburg R. K- Mathematical Theory of Optics, Universitv of California Press. Berkeley, 1964, Appendix 2, p. 372.

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33. Martin L. C, Kingslake R. The Measurement of CIiromatic Aberration on the ililger Lens Testing Interferometer.—Trans. Opt. Soc, 25, 213 (1923—1924).

34. Masuda T, Nisbiyama S, Nakata T, Adachi I. The Testing of Optical Materials by the Twyman Type Interferometer, LI, Atti Fond. Giorgio Ronchi Contrib. 1st. Xaz. Oltica, 17, 197 (1962).

35. Mertz L. International Commission for Optics Conference, Stockholm, 1959.

36. Miehelson A. A. On the Correction of Optical Surfaces. — Astrophys. J, 47, 283 (1918).

3/. Morokuma T, Neflen K- F-, Lawrence T. R, Klueher T. M. Interference Fringes with Long Path Difference Using He-Ne Laser.—J. Opt. Soc. Am, 53, 394 (1963).

38. Munnerlyn C. K-, Givens M. P., Hopkins R. E. Interferometric Measurement oi Optically Rough Surfaces. — IEEE J. Quantum Electron, QE-5, 359 (1969).

39. Murty M. V. R. K- Simulation of Primary Aberrations of Lens Using a Generalized Michelson Interferometer. — J. Opt. Soc. Am, 50, 1089 (1960).

40. Murty M. V. R. K- Interference between Wavefronts Rotated or Reversed «'ith Respect tc Each Other and Its Relation to Spatial Coherence. — J. Opt. Soc. Am, 54, 1187 (1964).

4L Ostrovskaya M. A, Filimonova N. F. Use of the Gac Laser for Interfero-nietric Quality Control in Telescope Manufacture. — Sov. J. Opt. Technol., 36, 563


65 (1969). (оригинал на русском языке; Оптико-механическая промышленность, 1969, № 8, с. 46).

42. Perry J. W. The Determination of Aberrations as Expressed in Geometricai Optics, from the Indication of the Hilger Interferometer. — Trans. Opt. Soc., 25, 97 (1923—1924).

43. Rinimer M. P, King D. M., Fox D. G. Computer Program for the Analysis of Interferometric Test Data. —Appl. Opt, 11, 2790 (1972).

44. Rogers G. I. The Equivalent Interferometer in Holography. — Opt. Acta, 17,527 (1970).

45. Saunders J. B. Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberralions of Lenses with a Iwyman Interferometer.—J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. 69C, 251 (1965),
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