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Доклад о состоянии здравохрания в мире -

Всемирная организация здравохранения Доклад о состоянии здравохрания в мире — Всмерная организация здравоохранения труда, 2008. — 152 c.
ISBN 978-924-456373-1
Скачать (прямая ссылка): dokladosostoyaniizdravoohraneniya2008.pdf
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Глава 6. Направления дальнейших действий ¦
32. Jongudomsuk P. From universal coverage of healthcare in Thailand to SHI in China: what lessons can be drawn? In: International Labour Office, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmbh, World Health Organization. Extending social protection in health: developing countries’ experiences, lessons learnt and recommendations. Paper presented at: International Conference on Social Health Insurance in Developing Countries, Berlin, 5-7 December 2005. Eschborn, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2007:155-157 (http://www2.gtz.de/ dokumente/bib/07-0378.pdf, accessed 19 July 2008).
33. Tangcharoensathien V et al. Universal coverage in Thailand: the respective roles of social health insurance and tax-based financing. In: International Labour Office, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmbh, World Health Organization. Extending social protection in health: developing countries’ experiences, lessons learnt and recommendations. Paper presented at: International Conference
on Social Health Insurance in Developing Countries, Berlin, 5-7 December 2005. Eschborn, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2007:121-131 (http://www2.gtz.de/dokumente/bib/07-0378.pdf, accessed 19 July 2008).
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