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Доклад о состоянии здравохрания в мире -

Всемирная организация здравохранения Доклад о состоянии здравохрания в мире — Всмерная организация здравоохранения труда, 2008. — 152 c.
ISBN 978-924-456373-1
Скачать (прямая ссылка): dokladosostoyaniizdravoohraneniya2008.pdf
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24. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and McKinsey and Company. Global health partnerships: assessing country consequences. Paper presented at: Third High-Level Forum on the Health MDGs, Paris, 14-15 November 2005 (http://www.hlfhealthmdgs. org/documents/GatesGHPNov2005.pdf).
Доклад о состоянии здравоохранения в мире, 2008 г.
Первичная медико-санитарная помощь - Сегодня актуальнее, чем когда-либо
25. Stein E et al, eds. The politics of policies: economic and social progress in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies and Harvard University. Washington DC, Inter-American Development Bank, 2006.
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31. Lopes C, Theisohn T. Ownership, leadership, and transformation: can we do better for capacity development? London, Earthscan, 2003.
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36. Chalmers I. From optimism to disillusion about commitment to transparency in the medico-industrial complex. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2006, 99:337-341.
37. Romanow RJ. Building on values. The future of health care in Canada - final report. Saskatoon, Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, 2002.
38. Escorel S, Arruda de Bloch R. As conferencias Nacionais de Saude na Cobnstrugao do SUS. In: Trinidade Lima N et al, eds. Saude e democracia: historia e perpsectivas do SUS. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Fiocruz, 2005:83-120.
39. Jongudomsuk P. Achieving universal coverage of health care in Thailand through the 30 Baht scheme. Paper presented at: SEAMIC Conference 2001 FY, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 14-17 January 2002.
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