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Физиология речи. Восприятие речи человеком - Чистович Л.А.

Чистович Л.А. , Венцов А. В., Гранстрем М.П. Физиология речи. Восприятие речи человеком — Л.: Наука, 1976. — 388 c.
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333. K o h 1 1 6 f f e 1 L. U. E. A study of basilar membrane vibrations.
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334. K o h 1 1 6 f f e 1 L. U. E. A study of basilar membrane vibrations.
III. The basilar membrane frequency response curve in the living guinea pig. — Acustica, 1972, v. 27, p. 82—89.
335. Kohlloffel L. U. E. Observations of the mechanical disturbances along the basilar membrane with laser illumination. — In: Basic mechanisms in hearing. N. Y., London, 1973, p. 95—117.
336. Krivnova 0. F. Some notes on melody component of intonation as a cue in text segmentation. — Preprints of the Symposium on Auditory Analysis and Perception of Speech, Leningrad, 1973.
337. K u de 1 a K. A study of the optimal formant frequency values of Polish vowels using synthetic speech. — In: Speech analysis and synthesis. Warsaw, 1970, v. 2, p. 219-238.
338. Labutin V. K. Analog of auditory nerve response to acoustical signals and its relation to some psyaiioacoustic phenomena. — Acustica, 1974, v. 31, p. 342-345.
339. Lane H. The motor theory of speech perception: a critical review. — Psychol. Rev., 1965, v. 72, p. 275—309.
340. Lea W. A. An approach to syntactic recognition without phonemics. — IEEE Transact, on Audio and Electroacoust., 1973, v. 21, p. 249—258.
341. Lea W. A., M e d r e s s M. F., Skinner T. E. Use of syntactic segmentation and stressed syllable location in phonemic recognition. — J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 1973, v. 53, p. 356 (A).
342. L e h i s t e I. An acoustic-phonetic study of internal open juncture. — Phonetica, 1960, v. 5, Suppl.
343. L e h i s t e I. Juncture. — Proceed, of the 5th Internat. Congr. of Phonetic Sciences, Basel, 1965, p. 172—200.
344. L e h i s t e I. Readings in acoustic phonetics. Cambridge, Mass., 1967.
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348. Leshowitz B., Hanzi R. Auditory pattern discrimination in the absence of spectral cues. — J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 1972, v. 52, p. 166 (A).
349. L i b e r m a n ?A. M. Some results of research on speech perception. — J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 1957, v. 29, p. 117—123. " -
350. Liber m an A. M., " C o o p e r F. S., Harris K. S., M a c-Neilage P. F. A motor theory of speech perception. — Proceed, of the Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm, 1962, Session D. 3, p. 1—10.
351. L i b e r m a n A. M., D e 1 a t t r e P. C, Cooper F. S., G e r-s t m a n L. J. The role of consonant-vowel transitions in the perception of the stop and nasal consonants. — Psychol. Monogr., 1954, v. 68, p. 1—13.
352. Liberman A. M., Del a tt re P. C, Gerstman L. J., Cooper F. S. Tempo of frequency change as a cue for distinguishing classes of speech sounds. — J. Exper. Psychol., 1956, v. 52, p. 127—137.
353. Liberman A. M., Harris K. S., Hoffman H. S., Griffith B. C. The discrimination of speech sound within and across phoneme boundaries. — J. Exper. Psychol., 1957, v. 54, p. 358—368.
354. Lieberman Ph. Some acoustic correlates of word stress in American English. — J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 1960, v. 32, p. 451—454.
355. Lieberman Ph. On the acoustic basis of the perception of intonation by linguistics. — Word, 1965, v. 21, p. 40—54.
356. Lieberman Ph. Intonation, perception and language. Cambridge, Mass., 1967.
357. Liliencrants I. The OVE III speech synthesizer. — Speech Transmiss. Lab. Quart. Progr. and Status Rep., Stockholm, 1967, № 2/3, p. 76—81.
358. L i n d b 1 o m B. Sona-Graph measurements. — Speech Transmiss. Lab. Quart. Progr. and Status Rep., Stockholm, 1961, № 3, p. 3—5.
359. L i n d b 1 o m B. Spectrographic study of vowel reduction. — J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 1963, v. 35, p. 1773—1781.
360. Lindblom B. Motor control mechanisms. — Preprints of the Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm, 1974, Chairman review of papers in session 2, p. 1—14.
361. Lindblom B., Studdcrt-Kennedy M. On the role of formant transitions in vowel recognition. — J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 1967, v. 42, p. 830-843.
362. Lindblom B., Svensson S.-G. Interaction entre facteurs segmentaux et non segmentaux dans la reconnaissence de la parole. — Journees d'Etudes sur Ja Parole, Lannion, 1972, p. 199—213.
363. Lindner G. Veranderung der Beurteilung synthetischer Vokale unter dem Einfluss des Sukzessivkontrastes. — Zeitschr. fur Phonetik,
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364. L i n d n e r G. Akustische Tauschungen. — Zeitschr. fur Psychologie,
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365. L i n d q v i s t J., Pauli S. The role of relative spectrum levels in vowel perception. — Rep. of the 6th Internat. Congr. on Acoustics, Tokyo, 1968, v. 2, p. B-91-B-94.
366. Lisker L. Minimal cues for separating (w, r, 1, y) in intervocalic position. — Word, 1957, v. 13, p. 257-267.
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