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Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Моя работа мне нравится. 2. Он ищет более интересную работу. 3. Она устроилась работать машинисткой в издательстве. 4. Ему предложили место заведующего. 5. —У меня сегодня очень много рабо-
145ты. 6. (Преподаватель на занятиях) — Сдайте работы, пожалуйста. 7. Он хочет сменить работу. 8. Он на работе. 9. Ирина еще не пришла с работы. 10. Этот пейзаж — одна из его последних работ. 11. —Таня, вы написали очень хорошую работу, получили отлично. 12. Он слишком часто меняет работу.
Worker, Workman, Working Man
In the context of industry worker usually denotes a manual worker or one who operates a machine.
eg 1. Workers at the Ford Motor Company have decided to go on strike for higher pay.
2. The electricity workers are asking for a 25% pay rise.
3. The shop steward urged the workers to attend the meeting.
It also has this meaning in political economy.
eg 4. Workers of the world, unite.
However, worker may be used of anyone who works, and is therefore rarely used alone as a general term in other contexts. For example, He's a worker is unlikely to be understood in Britain as He's a manual worker. In fact, this sentence has another meaning, namely He works hard (whatever his job is). Instead English people say He's a factory worker or, if he does not work in a factory, He's a carpenter/ plumber/electrician, etc.
Manual worker could be used in the above example, but it is more common as a collective term in such sentences as:
5. The average earnings of manual workers in Britain are still lower than those of white-collar workers.
6. Many manual workers have been made redundant by automation.
With reference to social class, the expression working class is used.
eg 7. He's working class.
Note the absence of article here.
8. He comes from a working-class family.
9. They live in a working-class district.
10. The proportion of students from working-class homes is still very low.
11. Working-class people rarely vote Conservative.
146The working class is naturally also used in its original, substantival sense.
eg 12. The speaker promised to protect the interests of the working class. 13. Large resorts such as Blackpool are especially popular with the working class(es).
The plural form working classes is often used without any apparent difference of meaning. (The SOED gives "chiefly pi.")
Worker is used in various compounds besides factory worker and manual worker. Some of the most common are:
— office worker — see p. 93
— white-collar worker = office worker, especially in contrast to a factory worker (who wears overalls)
— mineworker/steelworker/farm worker, etc.
— research worker
Except for research worker, compounds with worker are not often used with reference to the professions (see p. 135) although such expressions as cinema worker sometimes occur. Such expressions as those listed above are mainly used in the plural, collectively.
eg 14. Office workers usually start work at 9 a.m., although in London many start later, at 9.30 or 10.
Workman is used as a general term to include such manual workers as builders, decorators, plumbers, electricians, etc.
eg 15. The workmen brought the materials on Friday and promised to start the job on Monday.
However, we cannot use workman to state a man's occupation (*He's a workman) or with reference to class (=He9S working class.). Since women are rarely if ever employed as builders, decorators, etc. in Britain, there is no feminine form.
Workman also has a meaning similar to craftsman in such sentences as:
16. He's a good! poor/skilled workman. 17 д \ poor workman blames his tools. (a common saying) \ bad workman quarrels with his tools.
Working man is sometimes used to denote a member of the working classes.
147eg 18. Greyhound-racing is sometimes said to be the working man's substitute for horse-racing. 19. The working man's drink is beer.
It also occurs in the expression working man's club, a type of social (= recreational) club fairly widespread in the north of England.
Sometimes, however, working man seems to refer to any man who works.
Working woman is used mainly in the wider sense, meaning a woman who goes out to work (whatever her job), as opposed to one who stays at home, a housewife.
eg 20. The number of working women in Britain has increased enormously since the war.
Working wife/mother are also used in this general sense.
eg 21. An increasing number of working wives expect their husbands to do their share of the shopping and housework. 22. More nursery schools are needed to make life easier for working mothers.
Working people is sometimes used to denote members of the working class but more often in a wider sense, meaning all those who work. The exact meaning depends on the context.
Exercise. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Он рабочий. 2. Она из рабочей семьи. 3. Петров очень хороший работник. 4. Многие рабочие нашего завода занимаются спортом. 5. Находясь в Цюрихе, Ленин несколько раз выступал перед швейцарскими рабочими. 6. На конференции выступали режиссеры, актеры, операторы и другие работники кино. 7. 1 Мая — праздник трудящихся всего мира. 8. До конца смены рабочие закончили разгрузку кирпича. 9. Докладчик отметил, что экономика во многом зависит от работников сельского хозяйства. 10. Наша Конституция гарантирует право на пенсию каждому трудящемуся. 11. Снова бастуют работники английских железных дорог. 12. В этом районе Лондона живут в основном рабочие.SOURCES