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Говорите правильно по-английски - Поуви Дж.

Поуви Дж. Говорите правильно по-английски — М.: Высшая школа, 1984. — 152 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): govoritepoenglishtru1984.djvu
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5.—She feels that more should be done for the children.

57 It cannot be used with reference to the sense of smell (sensations received through the nose). Here only smell is appropriate.

eg 6. They've been smoking. I can smell it.

7. As soon as she opened the door she smelt burnt potatoes.

8. He could smell the scent of the pine trees.

Both feel and smell may be used to denote not only an involuntary sensation but a voluntary action performed in order to receive a sensation — feel by touching, usually with the fingers, smell with the nose.

eg 9. Feel this material. It's beautifully soft.

10. The doctor felt his pulse.

11. Smell this scent. It's wonderful.

12. She bent down to smell the roses.

In this respect they resemble the verb taste but differ from the verbs associated with the senses of sight and hearing, where voluntary and involuntary perception are expressed by separate verbs: see — look; hear — listen.

Feel oneself is generally followed by an infinitive or gerund (an infinitive denoting a completed action, a gerund denoting a process).

eg 13. I felt myself blush.

14. He felt himself sinking into the mud.

Although the reflexive pronoun is occasionally included with certain adjectives and past participles (mainly in written English),

eg 15. I feel myself responsible for the children.

16. She felt herself deceived

such usage is not to be recommended on the whole. Feel alone is quite enough here.

eg 17. I feel well/happy/tired/satisfied/guilty/responsible/ deceived.

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of feel or smell.

1. The neighbours have been frying fish again. Can you ... it? 2. She could ... a stone in her shoe. 3. —Just ... the weight of this box! 4. — Is this meat all right?—I don't know. ... it. 5. He knew she had been there because he could ... her perfume. 6. He ... that she was hiding something from him. 7. —The sea is very near.—Yes, I can ... it. 8. —I can ... something burning. 9. He ... quite confident of his

58 ability to do the job. (past time) 10. Suddenly she ... dizzy and had to sit down.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. После его выступления все почувствовали, что ситуация усложнилась. 2. Уже в дверях он почувствовал аромат (aroma) свежего кофе. 3. Неожиданно он почувствовал острую боль в ноге. 4. Повсюду чувствовался запах дыма. 5. Лектор чувствовал, что аудитория не понимает его. 6. —Если вы почувствуете себя хуже, не ходите завтра на работу. 7. Он чувствовал, что не может играть Гамлета. 8. — Чувствуете аромат (scent) боярышника (hawthorn)? — Нет, не чувствую. У меня насморк. 9. Весь вечер она чувствовала себя неловко (awkward). 10. Войдя в квартиру, они сразу почувствовали запах газа.

(For) the First Time

For is used with the first time only in an adverbial modifier.

eg 1. I came to Leningrad for the first time when I was ten.

2. I heard Richter play for the first time about twenty years ago.

After the verb to be simply the first time is used, generally with a perfect tense.

eg 3 IVs ^

" This is Г ^e ^rs* ^me (that) Fve been to Leningrad.

4 It was Л

That was I i^ie ^rsi ^me (i^at) I'd heard Richter.

The first time is also used without for in such sentences


5. The first time I came to Leningrad I was only ten.

What has been said about the first time naturally also applies to the second/third time, etc.

Exercise 1. Insert the preposition for where necessary.

1. H. G. Wells visited Russia ... the first time in 1914. 2. It was ... the first time that Derek had been to the Franklins'. 3. —Is it ... the first time you've tried pickled mushrooms? 4. —When did you come here ... the first time? 5. It was ... the first time he had seen her lose her temper. 6. ... the first time she went to the opera she didn't enjoy it. 7. —I went skiing ... the first time last winter. 8. —It was ... the first time I had been in a language laboratory. 9. She was nearly twenty when she saw the sea ... the first time. 10. —Was it ... the first time you had been to Central Asia?

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. В первый раз эта труппа гастролировала в нашей стране пять

59 лет тому назад. 2. —Первый раз встречаю такого удивительного человека. 3. —Заметно (obviously), что вы первый раз катаетесь на лыжах. 4. Эта фигуристка первый раз участвует в чемпионате Европы. 5. — В первый раз мне было трудно понимать его из-за сильного американского акцента. 6. Первый раз в жизни она не знала, как поступить. 7. —Первый раз мне удалось попасть на такой концерт. 8. —Я в первый раз увидел, как растет виноград. 9. Когда они встретились в первый раз, она не заметила ничего странного в его поведении. 10. —Вы первый раз в Советском Союзе?


The various uses of get are too numerous for them all to be given here. The following pages deal only with those points which are particularly relevant to Russian speakers. I. Get denoting a change of state
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