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39Congratulate, Congratulations
eg 1. — Congratulations on
Congratulate and congratulations are used when a person has been successful or fortunate in something, for example, if he has passed an examination, or won a prize or sporting event, been promoted at work, got engaged to be married, or married.
passing your exam. winning the competition. your promotion, your engagement.
Note that I congratulate you (on ...) is not usual in colloquial speech, although the verb occurs widely in formal style, eg 2. He congratulated the team on their victory.
3. He congratulated her on getting into the university.
Note the use of the preposition on in all these sentences.
Congratulate and congratulations may also be used with reference to birthdays, but (Л) happy birthday or Many happy returns (of the day) is more common.
eg 4. — (A) happy birthday, Jean!
5. — Many happy returns (of the day)! c „ . , < * \ a happy birthday.
6. He wished her I many happy returns (of the day).
Congratulate and congratulations are rather more common when someone comes of age (formerly at 21, now at 18).
eg 7. They congratulated him cn his coming-of-age.
On birthday cards the words Birthday Greetings are often used.
Congratulate and congratulations are not used with reference to festivals and public holidays. In Britain there is a special greeting (not congratulation) for each important traditional festival, usually with the word happy. These are:
(A) Happy/Merry Christmas! (A) Happy New Year!
(A) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Л) Happy Easter!
These greetings are used in sentences as follows:
8. He wished them all a happy Christmas.
9. — I should like to wish you a (very) happy New Year,
40In writing, for example, on greeting cards (not postcards), we also find the word greetings.
eg Christmas/New Year/Easter greetings
The Season's greetings (=the Christmas season)
There is no general greeting which can be used for any festival (like the Russian С праздником!). The only solution to the problem of finding suitable greetings for festivals which are not observed in Britian is to use the word wishes, for example, as follows:
On is sometimes used instead of for, particularly if the greeting is spoken or received on the day itself.
In many cases no verb is necessary with these expressions. We can say (or write) simply, for example:
(Very) best wishes for Victory Day.
If a verb is needed, give is probably the best choice:
eg The students gave the teacher their best wishes for Women's Day.
Greetings may be used in writing for some festivals.
eg May Day greetings Victory Day greetings
The verb send occurs with greetings.
eg We send May Day greetings to all our readers.
Exercise. 1. Greet one of your fellow students (referred to as X) in an appropriate way.
1. X has just passed an exam. 2. It's Christmas Day. 3. It's X's birthday. 4. It's Women's Day. 5. X has just been promoted at work. 6. X has won a skiing competition. 7. It's New Year's Day. 8. X has just got married. 9. X has just had a baby. 10. It's Victory Day. 11. X has just had an article published. 12. X has just got a job he/she wanted very much.
Exercise. 2. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Он поздравил родителей с Новым годом. 2. —Поздравляю со сдачей экзамена. 3. —С днем рождения! 4. Друзья меня поздравили с днем рождения. 5. —Поздравляю с годовщиной свадьбы (wedding anniversary). 6, Гости его поздравили с совершеннолетием. 7. —Я хо-
Best wishes
Very best wishes
My/Our (very) best wishes
( Women's Day Zor I Victory Day
Constitution Day the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolutionчу вас поздравить с Международным женским днем. 8. Профессор поздравил своего молодого коллегу с выходом в свет его первой книги. 9. —У меня родился сын.—Поздравляю. 10. Председатель поздравил ветеранов с праздником Победы. И. —Примите мои поздравления по поводу вашего назначения (appointment) на столь высокий пост. 12. Директор поздравил сотрудников (the staff) с Новым годом. 13. Друзья по команде сердечно поздравили нового чемпиона. 14. Мы поздравили заведующего кафедрой с получением награды (the award). 15. Молодая певица скромно принимала поздравления с победой на конкурсе. (Note that there is no need to translate получение here.)
Defend, Protect
Defend and protect both have the meaning "keep safe (from attack, injury, etc.)" and both may sometimes be translated as защищать. The differences in their usage are as follows:
In situations involving attack by an enemy, etc., defend is more common, and implies some positive action such as fighting.
eg 1. The troops defended the city against the enemy.
2. The boy defended himself against his attacker with a big stick.
Protect does not usually imply this kind of action. It means "to keep safe, especially by guarding or covering".
eg 3. A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.