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It is interesting to note that in certain situations native speakers of English, who generally use come and go without any conscious knowledge of the principles which underlie their usage, occasionally hesitate between the two verbs. For instance, a person in London writing to a friend in Manchester may write: uI hope to go to Manchester next month." From his point of view at the time of writing go is appropriate, and he would say this without hesitation to anyone in London. But since at the same time he can imagine his letter being read in Manchester and can imagine himself there in the future, he may feel a contradictory pressure to write "/ hope to come ..." Whichever word he finally chooses (and he may choose either) he may feel that it is not entirely satisfactory.
There is another type of sentence where either come or go can be used, and where either verb is felt to be equally appropriate, although there is a slightly different shade of meaning.
eg 26. — Would you like to go/come to Riga with me in June?
27. — Ann went/came shopping with me.
Here go is probably more usual, but come may be used instead to express the idea that the person invited (or mentioned) joined the speaker. The latter idea can also be illustrated by the following sentence:
28. — We're going to Pavlovsk tomorrow. Would you like to come?
Here the use of go in the second sentence is unlikely, as it would be repetition. However, uWould you like to go too?" sounds quite natural.
It should also be mentioned that come may be used in the sense of "reach", "arrive", without particular relation to the position of the speaker or the centre of attention. In
35such cases it is usually followed by the preposition to or an adverbial such as home.
eg 29. — Keep on till you come to a big hotel. Then turn right.
30. — After about an hour they came to the end of
the road.
31. — He came home late yesterday.
However, because of its more frequent use to denote movement towards the speaker or centre of attention, without any terminative element, come is often replaced by get (see p. 63), reach or arrive when the terminative element is dominant.
In conclusion here is a summary of the distinctions between come and go.
Come denotes movement towards:
either the place where the speaker is, was or will be,
or the centre of attention (if there is no speaker)
It is also used with to and certain adverbials in the sense of reach, without relation to the speaker or centre of attention.
Go denotes all other movement.
Exercise. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of come or
1. —I haven't got time now. ... and see me after lunch. 2. — Don't ... to him now. He's busy. 3. —Sometimes I ... to see my friends and sometimes they ... to see me. 4. John ... over to the bookshelf and began looking at the books. 5. While Judith was ironing her dress her mother ... into the room and asked her to ... to the shop for some bread. 6. She saw the man ... into a telephone box. He stood there without even picking up the receiver but when someone knocked on the glass he refused to ... out. 7. As David was walking to the station a man ... up to him and asked him for a cigarette. 8. Stephen wasn't sure when the train was due to leave, so he ... up to the driver and asked him. 9. — ... to my place tomorrow and we'll ... to the pictures. 10. Hearing a strange noise outside, Mrs Taylor ... to the door, opened it and looked out. 11. After walking through the woods for more than an hour they ... to a road. 12. The teacher ... over to the cupboard where the boy was hiding and told him to ... out. 13. Jean could hear the doctor talking in the next room so she waited in the corridor. After a few minutes he ... out and told her that everything was all right. 14. Assoon as she saw Alan ... into the room she ... up to him. 15. She read for a little while and then ... out for a walk.
Comfortable, Convenient
Comfortable is formed from the noun comfort, which means "physical well-being, a state free from pain or irritation". Thus a comfortable chair is one in which the body feels at
36ease, comfortable shoes are ones which do not cause the feet any pain or irritation. Comfortable is most often used of chairs, beds, etc., clothes, houses and flats (meaning comfortably furnished) and means of transport. However, it may be used in a wider sense, to mean.
(1) having or providing comfort:
eg L He has a very comfortable life. 2. They have a comfortable income.
(2) simple and undemanding;
eg 3. His life had settled into a comfortable routine.
It is also used of sick people, meaning "free from excessive pain", "as well as can be expected".
eg 4. The patient was said to be comfortable after the operation.
Convenient means "avoiding trouble or difficulty", or "serving to make a task easier". Thus a convenient time for a meeting is one which fits in well with one's other activities, a convenient place is one which is easily reached, and so on. Various tools and household appliances (for example, washing machines, electric mixers, potato-peelers) can be called convenient.