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Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 1 - Мелуа А.И

Мелуа А.И Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 1 — Гуманистика , 2009. — 481 c.
ISBN 5-86050-336-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): dokumentigizndeyat12009.pdf
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14 Yearbook of the Imperial Russian Automobile Society, St. Petersburg, 1910, p. 16.
15 List of privileges, 1897. No. 216-341, issue 8. Privilege 261, pp. 785-791.
E. Nobel’s inventions were not limited to engines alone. He cooperated with Technological Engineer S. Bezsonov in the sphere of distillation and steam heating. In 1908 he co-authored two new inventions: “Method and Device for Distillation or Fractionating of Liquids,” receiving privilege No. 16407 in 1909 [16] and “A Heating Device for Steam and Water,” registered in 1911 under No. 16951 [17].
There’s probably one more privilege that most likely belongs to the Nobel family. It is privilege No. 21839 for “An Electric Welding Device with Electrodes Made of Filler Metal,” issued to L.L. Nobel in 1912 [30].
Inventions were also introduced at Nobel Brothers’ Oil Partnership, or BraNobel. On May 10, 1879 Nobel Brothers’ Oil Joint-Stock Partnership was incorporated and confirmed by Alexander II. The authorized capital of the Association was 3 million rubles. Ludwig Nobel became the largest shareholder. He had RUR 1,610,000 worth of shares; Robert held RUR 100,000 worth of shares, and Alfred - RUR 115,000 worth. Other large shareholders included P.A. Bilderling (RUR 930,000) and his brother A.A. Bilderling (RUR 50,000). I.Y. Zabelsky invested RUR 135,000 into the business. F.A. Blumberg and M.Y. Belyamin invested RUR 25,000 each, and A.S. Sungren and B.F. Wunderlich contributed RUR 5,000 each. By 1913 the fixed capital of the Association amounted to RUR 30 million. Despite the fact that the enterprise became a joint-stock company, Ludwig Immanuelevich Nobel continued serving, for a long time, as the head of the Company and initiator of all the innovations. Through 1918 the Nobel Brothers’ Oil Partnership was the largest petroleum industry company in the country; it also was the first vertically integrated oil company in Russia where the entire production cycle was implemented, from prospecting to drilling and extracting, and from processing to sales of mineral oil. The firm used every opportunity to encourage innovative ideas of its employees. Among the famous inventions were the Nobel churn drilling rig, BraNobel deep-well oil pump, L. Nobel’s cast-iron and steel-smelting furnaces, batteries of continuous operation petroleum stills, new deflegmators, such as Nobel-Bezsonov deflegmators (steam condensers), air mixers, oil tank cars, etc.
Several patents of the Partnership concerned the oil production process. In January 1884 Nobel Brothers’ Partnership submitted an application for the Improved Stills for Divided and Continuous Oil Distilling. The first Russian patent under No. 11236 was obtained in December 1886 [22]. In 1885 an application was made for the “Separator Device to Remove Mechanic Impurities from Oil and Oil Products”, patented under No. 12402 [23] in 1887. This was a very important invention that allowed separating oil into various fractions. Privilege No. 10416 was issued in 1905 for “The Way of Regenerating Sulfuric Acid from Mineral Oil Waste By Means of Fuming Sulfuric Acid” [25]. On January 10, 1889 the Nobel Brothers’ Oil Partnership requested a privilege for “Method and Device for Rational Restoration of Sodium as Sodium Soda Breakdown Products Obtained During Kerosene Purification”16. We could not find any information on whether the privilege was in fact issued.
Several patents of the Partnership were related to creating and improving the technical tools for the oil industry. These included Privilege No. 1829 for “The Reaming Bit for Drilling Wells,” issued in 1899 [24], Privilege No. 11778 for “Free-Falling Drilling Tools” issued in 1907 [26], Privilege No. 14729 for “Drilling Tool Adjustment to Remove Ground Particles from the Drilling Unit”, registered a year later [27], Privilege No. 26540 for the “Spring-Loaded Power Pinion Clutch” issued
16 Imperial Russian Technical Society Bulletin, 1889. V. 23, No. 3, p. 150.
in 1913 [28], and Privilege No. 27880, issued for “Device for Oiling Various Parts of Machines from One Position,” issued in 1915 [29]. The Nobel Brothers’ Partnership was known as the most powerful oil company in Russia.
The Nobel Brothers’ Partnership also received Protective Certificate No. 328 dd. September 6, 1896 for the “New Way of Purifying Heavy Petroleum Oils”17. In 1898 the Imperial Russian Technical Society Bulletin carried an article on removed protection certificates18 pursuant to Article 9 of the “Statutes of the Privilege”, issued in accordance with Article 7 of the same document. We may assume that the Partnership failed to produce the certificate of the fact that the privilege was used within the time-frame as established by the law.
The Nobel Family continued filing for invention patents until 1915 when the List of Privileges carried the last patent of the Nobel Brothers’ Partnership [29].
In June 1918 according to a decree of Soviet authorities on nationalizing the oil industry, all private industrial enterprises were nationalized.
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