Моделирование в картографии - Тикунов В.C.
ISBN 5-211-03346-9
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One of the promising branches is connected with cartographic aspects of geoinformatics. Elaboration and use of GIS are carried on for more than 30 years already, but we still consider them to be something new and this is true. Historically GIS (in their modern sense) developed at information-searching systems basis and later at cartographic data banks. Information systems were considered to be the first stage of automated map compiling. Later mathematic-cartographic modelling and automated compiling blocks were included into their structure. Regarding maps as means of geographical analysis and separating users subsystems, GIS began to cover sphere of maps use as well. Practically all GIS (there are several hundreds of them in the World) include map compiling possibilities or use cartographic materials as sources of information.
In spite of this fact, GIS functions are broader than their ^motherland* cartography which makes them to be an integration basis for branches of geography and other sciences (geology, pedology etc.) in the course of interdiciplene system investigations. It is clearly seen when knowledge model is used. Specific information, mainly technical approach sometimes is contrasted to such a broad view. The former considers GIS to be a system for geographical
data accumulation and storage, instrument for fixation and description of phenomena at the Earth's surface. This used to be a geographical task for the last centuries but nowadays is done at a modern computer level reflecting a return to the XIX century descriptions by means of electronics.
Nowadays GIS may be regarded as interactive systems, which may collect, systematise, storage, process, assess transmit, present and disseminate data as well as means of new information and knowledge accumulation about spatial-temporal geographical phenomena.
Recently works at elaboration of intellectual GIS promoted works at the problem of integrated systems particularly for global environmental monitoring and modelling when separate tasks regarding their global aspects are solved, for resources management, environmental impact assessment of great economic projects, sustainable territorial development purposes etc.
Developing of «spatial statistics* methods taking into consideration the fact that available mathematical statistics do not meet Earth sciences demands should be marked as prospective. Evidently a sphere of investigations devoted to methods of spatial mathematics and even more spatial modelling or rather (regarding spatial temporal character of geographical phenomena) spatial-temporal modelling should be promoted.
Mathematical-cartographic modelling is one of the branches of such modelling. Mathematical-cartographic modelling is system combination of mathematical and cartographic models during compiling and use of maps as well as for other geographic investigations. Such combination of modelling reinforces valuable characteristics of both components: mathematical - for formalisation and automation of geographical systems investigations and cartographic for their spatial visualisation. In the process of mathematical-cartographic modelling not only elementary combinations, consisting only one group of models may be created, but alsocomplex combinations (e.g., catenary, netlike and treelike structure combinations) can be established, when mathematical models and maps alternating as it were, permit the optimisation of the modelling process, improve it, detect possible errors etc. Availability of
a broad variety of algorithms and computers enabled to make the modelling process multi-variant which is revealed in tasks statement, information supply, algorithms realisation and results presentation first of all in a graphic form.
Several words should be said about classification which particularly is connected with one of the principle geographic and other Earth sciences task - regionalization. As the 2 Seminar on Classification Methodology and Theory stated: «Nowadays mankind faces a new scientific-technical revolution connected with use of artificial intellect and informatics as productive forces. That is why classification as means of generalisation and organisation of knowledge is of special importance. It is necessary to build the foundation for informatics and artificial intellect - databases, which should include knowledge accumulated by mankind in science, technology, production and art. The time came when it is necessary to increase sharply rates of classifications creation, improve their quality and reduce their production eosts».
Achievements at this respect are known, but new tasks demand revaluation and development of classification theory and methods conformably to a system «society - natural environment*. Classification elaboration based on fuzzy sets is of primary importance. In this case territorial units distribution in different taxons is evaluated by a degree of affiliation within an interval from 0 to 1. Special algorithms, methods of their application in geography were elaborated.