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Гомология - Маклейн С.

Маклейн С. Гомология — М.: Мир, 1988. — 535 c.
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The cohomology theory ot group extensions^ Duke Math. J., 15 (1948), 271—292.. {XI.10; XI.11] •
Cohomology theory of groups with a single defining relation, Ann. of Math., 52 (1950), 650—665. [X.5]
Л ц у леви чу с А. ( L i u l.e v i с i u s A.)
The factorization of cyclic reduced powers by secondary cohomology operations, Proc. NAS USA, 46 (I960), 978—981. [X.8]
Д О p e н ц e н (L 0 r e n z e n P.)
Ober die Korrespondenzen einer Struktur, Math. Z., 60 (1954), 61—65. [П-9]
Любкин (Lubkin S.)
Imbedding of abelian categories, Trans. .4AfS, 97 (1960), 410—417. [XII.3]
M а й e p (May e r W.)
Ober abstrakte Topologie. I undi II., Monatsh. Math. u. Physik, 36 (1929), 1—42, 219—258. [II.9]
Topologische Gruppensysteme, Monatsh. Math. u. Physik, 47 (1938/1939), 40-86. [II.9J
M а к к ri (Mackey G. W.)
Unitary representations of group extensions. I., Acta Math., 99 (1958), 265-311. [IV. 11]
Маклейн (MacLane 1 S.)
Duality for groups, Bull. AMS, 56 (1950), 485—51«. [IX.2J , Slide and torsion products for modules, Rend, del Sent. Math. Torino,
' 15 (1955/1956), 281—309. [V.IT]
, Homologie des anneaux et des modules, Colloque de Topologie algebrique, Louvain, 1956, 55—80. [X.13]
Extensions and obstructions for rings, III. J. Math., 2 (1958), 316—345. [X.13]
Group extensions by primary abelian groups, Trans. AMS, 95 (I960), 1—16. [II. 4; XII. 4']
Triple torsion products and multiple Runneth formulas, Math. Ann., 140 (1960), 51—64. [XII.9]
.if An algebra of addiitve relations, Proc. NAS USA, 47 (1961), 1043—1051. [II.9] (Имеется русский перевод: M а к л e й н С., Алгебра аддитивных отношений, сб. Математика, 7 : 6 (1963).)
Locally small categories and the foundations of set theory, Infinitistic Methods (Warsaw symposium, 1959), Oxford, 1961. [1.8; IX.2]
Маколей (M а с a u 1 e у R. A.)
Analytic group kernels and Lie algebra kernels, Trans. AMS, 95 (1960), 530—553. [X.13]
M а с с и (Massey W. S.)
Exact couples in algebraic topology, Ann. of Math., 56 (1952), 363—396. [XI.5; XI.11]
On the universal coefficient theorem of Eilenberg and MacLane, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. (2), 3 (1958), 1—12. [III. 11]
Матлис (Matlis E.)
Injective modules over Noetherian rings, Рас. J. Math., 8 (1958), 511—528. [III.ll]
1____________________ Библиография ________5J9
Applications of duality, Proc. AMS, 10 (1959), 659—662. {VII.1}
Modules with descending chain condition, Trans. AMS, 97 (1960), 495— )/ 508. (VII. 7J
Миляор (Milnor J.)
The Steenrod algebra and its dual, Ann. of Math., 67 (1958), 150—171. [VIII.8]
Мнлнор, Myp (Milnor J. and M о о r e J. C.)
On the structure of Hopf algebras, Forthcoming. [VI.9]
Митчелл (Mitchell B.)
The full embedding theorem, Am. J. Math., 86 (1964), 619—637. [IX.4;
XII.3; XII.9]
Морита (Morita K.)
Duality for modules arid its applications to the theory of rings with minimum condition., Sci. Rep. Tokyo KyoikuDaigakw, See. A, 6 (1958), 83—142. [V.4]
Нагата (N a g a t a M.)
A general theory of algebraic geometry over TDedekind rings. II., Am. J.
Math., 80 (1958), 382—420. [VII.7] '
Накаяна (Nakayama T.)
On the complete cohomology theory of Frobenius Algebras, Osaka Math. 'J\,
9 (1957), 165—187. JVII.7]
H а к а я м а, Цудзуку (N a k a у a m a !T. and T s u z u k u T.)
On Frobenius extensions. I, II, Nagoya Math. J., 17 (1960), 89—110;
19 (1961), 127—148. [VII.7]
.Нейман. (Neumann В. H.)
An essay on free products of groups with amalgamations, Phil. Trans.
Roy. Soc. London, A 246 (1954), 503—554. fXII.l]
Норскотт (Northcott D. G.) ;
Ideal theory, Cambridge, 1953.
An introduction to homological algebra, Cambridge, 1960. [VII.1J
H у н к e (N u n k e R. J.)
Modules of extensions over Dedekind rings, III. J. Math., 3 (1959), 222—
241. [XII. 4]
Палермо (Palermo F. P.)
The cohomology ring of product complexes, Trans. i4MS, 86 (1957), 174—
196. [V.ll]
П у п п e (P u p p e D.) Aty
Homotopie und Homologie in Abelschen Gruppen und Monoidkomplexen,
I.II., Math. Z., 68 (1958), 367—406, 407—421. •
Korrespondenzen in Abelschen Kategorien, Math. Ann., 148 (1962), 1—30. t f [XII.3] (Имеется русский перевод: Пуппе Д., Соответствие в абеле- VI' вых категориях, сб. Математика, 8 : 6 (1964).)
Редей (R е d е i L.)
Die Verallgemeinerung da- Schreierschen Erweiterungstheorie, Acta Sci. Math. Szeged, 14: (1952), 252—273. [X.13]
P ё p л ь (R 6 h г 1 H.)
Ober Satelliten halbexakter Funktoren, Math. Z., 79 (1962), 193—223. [XII.9]
Ри (Ree R.)
Lie elements and an algebra associated with shuffles, Ann. of Math., 68 (1958), 210—220. [X.13]
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