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Возникновение биологической организации - Кастлер Г.

Кастлер Г. Возникновение биологической организации — М.: Мир, 1967. — 91 c.
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12, 587—593.
Hampton J. C., Quastler H., Some observations on radiation damage in epithelial cells of the mouse intestine. In: Proc. Intern. Conf. Electron Microscopy, 4th, Berlin, 1958 (W. Bergmann, D. Peters, and C. Wolpers, tds.), 2, 480—484, Springer, Berlin.
L i p к i n М., А1шу T. P., Quastler H., Stability of protein in intestinal epithelial cells, J. Clin. Invest., 39, 1007 (Abst). Quastler H., Introduction to symposium on theoretical radio-biology, Am. Naturalist, 94, 57—58.
Quastler H., Radiation effects in vivo: Molecular aspects of mammalian radiobiology. In: Bioenergetics, Radiation Res.,
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Quastler H., Cell population kinetics, Ann. N. Y. Acad. ScI., 90, 580—591.
Quastler H., Information theory (biological appications). In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 7, 102—103. Quastler H., Information theory in biology. In: Medical Physics (O. Glasser, ed.), 5, 294—299, Year Book, Chicago. Sherman F. G., Quastler H., DNA synthesis in irradiated intestinal epithelium, Exptl. Cell. Res., 19, 343—360.
Wimber D. E., Quastler H., Stein O. L., W i m-b e r D. R., Analysis of tritium incorporation into individual cells by autoradiography of squash preparations, J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol., 8, 327—331.
1961 Augenstine L., Quastler H., Review of comparative effects of radiation, Am. J. Human Genet., 13 (3), 351. Cattaneo S. М., Quastler H., Sherman F. G., Proliferative cycle in the growing hair follicle of the mouse, Nature, 190, 923—924,
D о г n f е s t В. Sv L о В u е J., Gordon A. S., Quastler Н., Leukocyte release from perfused isolated femurs of rats, Federation Proc., 20 (I, Pt. I), 71 (Abst.).
Hampton J. C., Quastler H., Combined autoradiography and electron microscopy of thin sections of intestinal epithelial cells of the mouse labeled with HMhymidine, J. Biophys. Bio-chem. Cytol., 10, 140—144.
L i p к i n М., A 1 m у T. P., Quastler H., Stability of protein in intestinal epithelial cells, Science, 133, 1019—1021.
L i p к i n М., Quastler H., Cell population kinetics in the colon, Federation Proc., 20 (I, Pt. I), 242 (Abst.).
L о В u e J., D о r n f e s t B. S., Gordon A. S., Quastler H., Marrow distribution in the rat femur as determined by Fe5l) labeling, Anat. Record, 139, 313 (Abst.).
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Quastler H., Time-dose relations in radiation effects. In: Proc. Conf. Res. Radiotherapy of Cancer, pp. 100—112. Sherman F. G., Quastler H., Wimber D. R., Cell population kinetics in the ear epidermis of mice, Exptl. Cell Res.,
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W u 1 f f V. J., Quastler H., Sherman F. G., The incorporation of H3-cytidine in mice of different ages, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 95, 548—549.
1962 D о r n f e s t B. S., L о В u e J., Handler E. S., Gor-
don A. S., Quastler H., Mechanisms of leukocyte production and release. I. Factors influencing leukocyte release from isolated perfused rat femora, Acta Haematol., 28, 42—60. Dornfest B. S., LoBue J., Handler E. S., Gor-
don A. S., Quastler H., Mechanisms of leukocyte production and release. II. Factors influencing leukocyte release from isolated perfused rat legs, J. Lab. Clin. Med., 60, 777—787. Kember N., Quastler H., Wimber D., Adaptation of the rat intestine to continuous irradiation, Brit. J. Radiol., 35, 290. Levy С. K., Quastler H., Acute responses of the vestibular apparatus to x-irradiation. Radiation Res., 16, 189—200.
L i p к i n М., Quastler H., Cell population kinetics in the colon of the mouse, J. Clin. Invest., 41, 141—146.
L i p к i n М., Quastler H., Studies of protein metabolism in intestinal epithelial cells, J. Clin. Invest., 41, 646—653.
L i p к i n М., Quastler H., Cell retention and incidence of carcinoma in several portions of the gastrointestinal tract, Nature, 194, 1198—1199.
McCarter J. A., Quastler H., Note on the effect of a carcinogenic hydrocarbon on the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 55, 552—553.
McCarter J. A., Quastler H., Effect of dimethylbenzan-thracene on the cellular proliferation cycle, Nature, 194, 873—874.
Quastler Н., Hampton J. С., Effects of ionizing radiation on the fine structure and function of the intestinal epithelium of the mouse. I. Villus Epithelium, Radiation Res., 17, 914—931. Quastler H., Z uba y G., An RNA-protein code based on replacement data. II. Adjustment and extension, J. Theoret. Biol.,
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Stein O. L., Quastler H., The effect of tritiated thymidine on the morphogenesis of lateral roots. In: Tritium in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 2, 149—153, Intern. Atomic Energy Assflc., Vienna.
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