Возникновение биологической организации - Кастлер Г.
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Vest ling C. S., Kaufman S., Maxwell R. E., Quastler H., The oxidation of octaijoate by normal and leucemic mouse liver homogenates, J. Biol. Chem., 165, 385—386.
1947 Ch a s e H. B., Quastler H., Skaggs L. S., Biological evaluation of 20 million volt roentgen rays. II. Decoloration of hair in mice, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 57, 359—361.
Quastler H„ Remarks about the application of the betatron in cancer therapy, Illinois Med. J., 91, 119—122.
Quastler H., Possibilities of the betatron in cancer therapy, Sci. Education, 31, 9—11.
Quastler H., Clark R. K., Evaluation biologique des rayons-X a 20 millions de volts (mort des souris par des rayons-X penetrants), J. Radiol. Electrol. Med. Nucl., 28, 469— 472.
1948 Adams Q. D., Quastler H., et al., Techniques for application of the betatron to medical therapy, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 60, 153—157.
Quastler H., Baer М., Inhibition of plant growth by irradiation. 1. Discrete steps of growth inhibition and pattern of dose-response-relation, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 31, 213—234.
1949 Kirschner L. B., Prosser C. L., Quastler H., Increased metabolic rate in rats after X-irradiation, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 71, 463—467.
Luce W. М., Quastler H., Skaggs L. S., Biological evaluation of 20 million volt roentgen rays. III. Recessive sex-linked lethals in Drosophila melanogaster, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 62, 555—558.
Quastler H., The biologic effects of high energy roentgen rays, Intern. Cancer Res. Congr. 4th St. Louis (1947), 6, 825— 830.
Q u a s 11 е г Н., Studies on radiation death in mice, Cancer Res.,
9, 552.
Q u a s 11 e r H., et al., Techniques for application of the betatron to medical therapy, with report of one case, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 61, 591—625.
Quastler H., Baer М., Inhibition of plant growth by irradiation. II. Sensitivity and development, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 33, 349—363.
Vestling C. S., Williams J. N., Jr., Kaufman S., Maxwell R. E., Quastler H, The oxidation of octanoate by liver homogenates from leucemic mice, Cancer Res., 9, 639— 644.
1950 Luce W. М., Quastler H., L a n z 1 E. F., Biological evaluation of 20 million volt roentgen rays. V. Bar effect in Drosophila, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 64, 963—967. Quastler H., Radiotherapy of acne vulgaris: Comparative tests of treatment technics, Radiology, 54, 247—255.
Quastler H., Baer М., Inhibition of plant growth by irradiation. III. Successive radiation effects; homologous responses, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 35, 75—94.
Quastler H., Baer М., Inhibition of plant growth by irradiation. V. Radiation effects on initiation and completion of growth, Cancer Res., 10, 604—612.
Quastler H., L a n z 1 E. F., Biological evaluation of 20 million volt roentgen rays. IV. Efficiency and dosage range, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 63, 566—574. Thomas L. J., Quastler H., Preliminary report of X-ray effects on the nematode Rhabditis strongyloides, Science, 112, 356—357.
1951 Luce W. М., Quastler H., Chase H. B., Reduction in facet number of bar-eyed Drosophila by X-rays, Genetics, 36, 488—499.
Quastler H., Acute intestinal radiation death, Federation Proc., 10, 106 (Abst.).
Quastler H., L a n z 1 E. F„ Keller М. E„ Osborne J. W., Acute intestinal radiation death. Studies on roentgen death in mice, III, Am. J. Physiol., 164, 546—556.
1952 Osborne J. W., Bryan H. S., Quastler H„ Rhoades H. E., X-irradiation and bacteremia. Studies on roentgen death in mice, IV, Am. J. Physiol., 170, 414—417.
Quastler H„ Scher tiger A. М., Stewart W. N„ Inhibition of plant growth by irradiation. IV Growth arrest vs. effects on mitotic activity, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 39, 357— 369.
1953 Austin М. K., Laughlin J. S., Quastler H., Relative biological effectiveness of 17 Me V electrons, Brit. J. Radiol., 26, 152—153.
Dancoff S. М., Quastler Н., The information content and error rate of living things. In: Essays on the Use of Information Theory in Biology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 263—273, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana.
Quastler H., The measure of specifity. In: Essays on the Use of Information Theory in Biology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 41—71, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana.
Quastler H., The specificity of elementary biological functions. In: Essays on the Use of Theory in Biology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 170—188, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana.
Quastler H., Feedback mechanisms in cellular biology. In: Cybernetics, 9th Conf. (H. von Foerster, ed.), pp. 167—181, Josiah Macy Foundation, New York.
1954 Quastler H., Blank A. A., Notes on the Estimation of Information Measures, 36 pp., Report № R-56, Central Systems Laboratory, Univ. Illinois, Urbana.
1955 McGill W. J., Quastler H., Standardized nomenclature: An attempt In: Information Theory in Psychology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 83—92, Free Press, Glencoe, 111.